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Laying in the darkness made me feel even more empty inside. I needed a distraction and I finally had one, Sammy. I promised that I would take care of him, and I'm keeping that promise. I failed my little brother I won't fail Sammy, I can't.

Nobody was awake I heard a few snores coming from the boys. I turned my head to the left and Sammy rested his head against his hands, eyes closed and a little drool coming out of the side of his mouth. I turned my head to the right and zombie laid there asleep. I got up and walked to the door, trying to open it, no use it was locked and if I tried opening it, it was going to make too much noise.

"What are you doing?" A voice startled me, it was zombie.

"Nothing" I sighed and went back to bed, but I didn't lie down instead I sat down and looked at him.

"Do you think the others will succeed at killing us?" His question took me by surprise.

"I honestly don't know.." I said. I sat at the edge of my bed with my head low making sure I don't hit myself with the bed above. "I like your necklace"

"Thanks.... It was my sister's" he said and tucked it inside his shirt. It went silent for a moment. "Did you know nugget before coming here?"

"No, i met him on the bus" i said.

"How did you grow so attached to him already?" He asked and turned to look at me.

"I had a little brother, he was around the same age as nugget. It was just him and I, alone. Since the moment he was born something just clicked me onto him not just because he was my brother. My parents were almost never home they usually went out or worked, my sister hardly came to the house she would usually crash with friends. It might seem odd but he was almost like my son.. I know weird. But when I saw him die a part of me died inside.. And whenever I see nugget I remember of my baby brother" I said and forced a smile on my face, it hurt even to try. Zombie stared at me for a while his eyes soft. I didn't want to ask about his sister, I've heard too many sad stories for one night.

"Is that why you want to kill the others so much? For revenge?" He asked.

"Don't you?" I turned the question around.

He stayed quite but looked into my eyes, I didn't take my eyes away from him either. Revenge sounded so sweet as it rolled off my tongue.

"Don't you want them to suffer?" I asked. Remembering the other that Reznik showed me, it made me feel sick to the stomach. "Make them feel what you felt?"

He nodded slowly then looked away. I could see he still had a lot of hope inside of him.

"What's your real name?" He asked. I looked at my hands.

"Does it matter?" I asked. It really didn't, I'm a whole different person now. I feel strong and brave, the old me would have bursted out crying every second.

"Not really, I just want to know" he said. I hated the old me, so stupid and weak.

"Irene Adams, she was weak, stupid, useless.. Killer is brave, smart, determined. I can tell you something right now, Irene wouldn't have made it this far, killer took over and look at me now.. Alive and safe"  I said. It was the truth Irene was pathetic.

"My real name is Ben Parish.." He started "Ben is dead, zombie is everything Ben wasn't." He whispered, but loud enough for me to hear.

I couldn't have said it better myself. But why did I have such a strong hate towards the old me? That's something even I couldn't figure out. Another moment of silence fell upon us. I wanted to open the letter so bad but I knew I couldn't and besides I promised. Everything I ever loved or cared about was dead, just like my heart. I always thought about just ending it all, ending the eternal pain but another thought swims around my mind. Revenge, it'll feel good better than good, amazing. Somehow my mind always chose the second thought. Im doing it for everyone who went what I went through. Getting destroyed from inside slowly until it was too late. Too late to save the few things you had left, taking everything for granted.

"Do you think our parents are somewhere up there wondering what we've become?" I asked.

He nodded his head. "I hope they're proud and protecting over me"

"Sometimes I think they might hate me for killing my sister, I had to do it I didn't have a choice" I said and looked down at my feet. The whole situation just happened so fast I couldn't even process what was happening until my sister laid on the flood covered in blood, her eyes wide open and her skin turning blue.

"I understand it was to save your brother.. I would have done the same" he said.

Everything felt so calm at the moment, just talking it out to someone I hardly know so they won't judge me. I let out a few deep breaths. I'm scared to think of my future. Will I be dead? Or worse still alive.

"Killer?" Zombie said. He brought me out of my thoughts.

"Yes?" He turned his look back to me and took time before speaking again.

"I know you're very tough and brave" he started "it's our job now to save the human race"

I didn't say anything at first. This brought a lot of pressure on me. Killing every single one of those disgusting useless leaches.. My word for them, will also help the human race.

"Okay.." Is all I could say. I'm going to do it for my baby brother and my parents, I'm going to let them know they didn't die for nothing.

"Goodnight killer" zombie yawned.

"Goodnight zombie"

Survivor // Ben Parish Where stories live. Discover now