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Thank you guys forgetting me to 1k !!! I love you guys so much! Here's a long chapter enjoy! :)


Vosch looked at me and shook his head softly.

"Sir, the private understands that's very unprofessional" I say and look down at my hands. I just couldn't help my feelings, if I could control them, then it would benefit all of us.

This feels like middle school all over again. Being embarrassed to share your crush with someone because you're afraid of being rejected.

"Irene, talk to me like a friend" he says and takes a seat across from me.

Irene? For a second i forgot who that was but then I remember it's the cry baby.

"Commander Vosch, I'm willing to do anything except kill zombie.." I say very low. Not in a million years would I kill someone I grew in love with.

"I understand" he breaths out, almost disappointed.

We sat in silence for what felt like forever.

Why did I admit my love for my squad leader. He's a walking zombie with a dead heart, I'm a killer with no heart, but somehow he started forming my heart from scratch. From the moment I first saw him I knew he was something else. Maybe it was the eyes that got me. He didn't have the type of eyes that sparkle in the sun or the eyes full of joy and happiness, they were the type of eyes that lost all trace of happiness and were empty, lifeless.

"If you're not going to kill zombie then you have to kill the other people that go Dorothy around here" he said so casually.

What? You're crazy! I don't kill.

I wish that was try but it wasn't. "why?"

"Killer, that's your name right?" I nodded my head and waited for him to continue. "You kill, you want to kill again and you know it. I can see it right in your eyes. You want to take more life's and you know it.. You feel it in your veins, the rush that runs through it when you see their body go lifeless" like a sugar rush.

You're wrong Vosch. Wrong! But he isn't, he's always right and always will be. I was a killer after all.

"Okay I'll do it" I mumbled.

What have you become Irene? A killer.
Why? Why not?

"I know I could count on you. Now go back to your barrack"

I stand up and give him a firm salute and he returns one. I walk out the door and shut it behind me. I made my way through the halls and into the bunks. I get a few glances and then everyone is back to whatever they were doing. Zombie looks over to me and then back to his silver locket.

I looked up to see Sammy standing in front of me with his hands on his sides.

"Hey there, private" I say.

"Killer. Nugget. Zombie. Peanut. What's with these stupid nicknames?" He asks. Oh kid, if only I knew.

"Maybe because the old us are long gone." I say. It's true, they're gone, adios!

"Killer how do you feel about getting a new person added to this squad?" Flint calls out from his bunk.

"I didn't know about this" I say and give my attention to the annoying boy that makes me want to stick my gun in my mouth and pull the trigger.

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