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They carried her away, away from me.

"Let me come with you please" I begged the soldier.

"What you need to do is take care of yourself"

"Zombie" Nugget tugged on my shirt, his eyes were glossy. Great more tears..

I looked at the soldier that was carrying her away and then back at the heartbroken little boy. I'm squad leader and I should start acting like it. I grabbed his hand and led him back into our bunks.

"What the hell happened?!" Flint shouted.

"I don't know" I mumbled. I can barely hold myself together. "I don't know" I repeated. I felt like I was going into shock.

"What happened to her!" Flint yelled again.

"I don't know!" I yelled as I placed my hands on my head and started pacing back and forth.

The only one that was not worried about her was Ringer, the fact that she was peacefully asleep explains it to me. Since when is Flint so worried about killer? Instead of boosting her confidence in this shitty situation he's breaking her down.

"Do you think she'll die?" His voice sounded panicky.

"Why are you so worried about her all of a sudden?"

"Because if she dies we're stuck with you as squad leader" he rolls his eyes.

"Just shut your trap and calm down" Killer just gave us a scare the last thing I need is picking up a fight, not even worth it.

We were all sitting in the dark, well I was pacing around, flint was chewing his nails, Oompa was playing with his hands, nugget was sobbing in the corner, peanut was shaking like crazy, dumbo had his face between his hands, poundcake stared off into space, teacup sat there just staring down at her feet, and ringer was asleep.

"Will she be okay?" Nugget's face was illuminated by the light of the moon.

"Cut it! She's going to be just fine! Now you either cry quietly to yourself or go to sleep!" Flint exploded like a bomb.

"Everybody just go to sleep! I'm sick and tired of all these goddam arguments now just go to sleep" They reached my last nerve and I am too tired to put up with any of their crap.

At least they didn't argue with me they just crawled back into bed and tried to go to sleep. I will admit, killer could be one mean, heartless bitch but everyone just likes her because she's a natural born leader but I love her because she gave me something I didn't have for a long time, hope.

I want to learn more about her past life. I want to know more about her past friends and Brandon. I want to get to know Irene, I know she'll be totally different from the girl I fell I love with. Brandon and I fell in love with the same person but different person, I know it's confusing to understand let me break it down.

Brandon and I fell in love with the same girl and that girl would be killer/Irene. The gorgeous brunette with big brown eyes. But we fell in love with a different person, he fell in love with Irene Adams a girl that is now dead and buried ten feet underground. I fell in love with Killer, I don't even need to explain it her name says it all. If I didn't know her I would probably think she eats puppies for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

Flint is right if killer dies, which she won't, they're stuck with me. I mean I'm not a terrible squad leader I'm okay but killer she just knows how to do everything perfectly. If she does die I might as well hand ringer the satisfaction of being squad leader.

Survivor // Ben Parish Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu