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Once again I woke up to Dr.Pam's face.

"Hey there" she says so casually as she pressed the cold stethoscope against my bare chest.

"Why don't I have a shirt?" I asked as I sat up in the chair.

"It needed to be ripped off  so I could check on you. You're heart was accelerating and we got kind of scared" she explained as she took it away. "Two visits in one day? I don't like the sound of that. I'm going to keep you over night"

"No I can't. Where's killer? She's not at the bunks and I can't find her"

"I don't know where she is" she smiled as she handed me a paper gown.

"I don't want to stay over night"

"I'm sorry but it's not a question"

"What time is it?" I asked.


"Why am I still in so much pain?" I asked as I checked my left side and it was all bruised up.

"Well zombie, you did take a beating, and then you banged your head against the floor" makes sense.

"Dr.Pam. Please I'm begging you, can you please find killer for me?"

Something deep in my gut tells me she might already be dead but another part says their might still be hope that she's alive and just resting somewhere.

"I can't. In sorry. My priority is you right now. If you need anything push this yellow button" she gave me one last glance before walking out the door.

I waited a few minutes before I actually stood up on my feet and looked around. I saw the bright green pills I took earlier. I grabbed them from the bottle and held them in my palm. There's something weird about these pills. I grabbed a small scalpel that was in one of the drawers. I cut the pill open and what surprised me was the color of the liquid inside. It was bright green almost yellow, and the little capsule that held the green liquid inside was black. I turned off the lights and the liquid was glowing.

"What the hell did she give me?" I mumbled to myself.

I reached out to touch it with my index finger and once they both made contact my finger started burning. I groaned in pain and pulled my finger away. It felt like Burning myself with real fire.

"What the hell" I groaned and squeezed my finger.

My finger was burning and I couldn't do anything to stop it, the burn just kept getting stronger and stronger.

Five minutes passed and the burning finally went away. I took a deep breath and looked at the glowing green liquid, it sure isn't anything to mess around with.

I turned the light back on and cleaned up the liquid with napkins.

All I know is that I won't be taking anymore of those pills.

My mission now is to find killer, to find her alive.

I walked over to the door and opened it slightly to see if anyone was outside. Clear.

I walked out of the room slowly and started walking down the long halls and up the flights of stairs. As I turned the left corner someone bumped into me hard. I expected it to be Reznik, I started preparing a lie inside my head. But it wasn't her instead it was Hunter.

"What are you doing out?" He asked.

"I can ask you the same question" I said as I fixed the wrinkle on my shirt.

"Zombie was it? I'm out here looking for the girl you almost kicked to death, so you can go back to your bunk and ask someone to tuck you in, now excuse me"

"Hunter, You don't know her and I had my reasons why I did this and believe me it doesn't concern you. She's in danger if I don't find her soon."

"And what might those reasons be? Because I certainly don't think you were beating her just to empress your squad"

"I have better things to do than to argue with you, I need to find killer." I decided to end this little trash talk because it was just stupid. "Besides she doesn't even know you well enough to care about you so stop wasting your time"

"Get back" he whispered as he pulled me back by my arm.


He grabbed my arm and started running over to a small closet.

"I heard someone coming" he whispered as we were hiding. For a second I thought that fool was lying but then I heard heavy boots thundering down the hall.

"Run more tests, don't hurt her she's fragile" anyone could identify that voice anywhere it was the commander.

Tests? Fragile? They can't be talking about killer can they?

Oh killer where are you? Why do you make my life a living hell? But I love the feeling of being in hell with you.

"He's gone" Hunter breaths out.

We both get out the closet.

"The soldier came from that way she must be over there" he says as he begins jogging.

Is this suppose to be a race? The whoever-gets-there-first-gets-to-keep-killer-race? No buddy it's not a race she's mine, not yours so back off.

As we got closer I stood still looking right ahead. There wasn't any doors any openings at all. There's no way this is possible Vosch came from this way but there isn't any doors. I looked over at Hunter and he was just as shocked as me.

"You're seeing this right?"

I nod my head slowly.

Killer where are you.

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