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It took me awhile to find the bunks. Once I did I ran inside and ripped open my pillow and grabbed the old letter inside. I shoved it inside my pocket and ran out as fast as I could.

As I was sprinting I bumped into someone so hard I fell backwards hitting my head.

"Killer I've been looking for you!" Hunter yelled as he pulled me to my feet.

"We have to go, they're about to blow this whole place up" I said as I have him a tight hug.

He nodded and started running right behind me.

"Watch out!" He yelled as a soldier started shooting at us. He took my gun from me and shot him on the chest. He saved my life, I guess he isn't as useless as I thought he was.

"We have to move!" I yelled as I started running towards the doors that lead outside.

I opened he doors and ran out seeing Zombie, Cassie, and Sammy running.

"Guys!" I yelled as I almost tripped over my own feet.

I caught up to them and saw that the helicopters were all aiming weapons at us.

"Run!" I yelled as I pushed them in front of me.

The guns started going off and I covered my head and ran like hell. The gun shots were right behind my feet. Hunter was running right by my side. small drops of sweat dropped down his forehead.

We hid behind a tuck and covered our heads. The plane flew past us and Vosch's smug face looked down at me, his face was telling me that he won. No you didn't, you haven't won yet.

I yelled out in anger and banged my fists against the car.

The ground suddenly started cracking and basically falling apart. Are you kidding me?

"Go!" I yelled as I began running again. My legs were so tired from running but I didn't resist to slow down for even a second.

A car pulled up and saw the squad inside, they opened the doors. Just a few seconds and we'll all be inside that car instead of being sucked into the earth.

"Killer!" Hunter yelled from behind me. I stopped running and turned around. Hunter was on the floor squirming in pain.

"They got you?!" I yelled as his thigh was squirting out blood.

"Killer cmon!" Flint screamed from the truck.

I couldn't just ditch Hunter, he did save my life inside that base I can't just leave him. My heart broke as I turned to look at the truck and motioned them to go.

"Go! Get out of here!" I yelled as I stood there watching them drive away. My eyes swelled up with tears, I can't cry. Not right now. I could see Zombie screaming and trying to open the door but flint held him back. There was no way I would risk them getting dragged down with us.

I didn't give up just yet though. I helped hunter up and tried running, we reached a fence that lead to the woods. I don't think the cracks will follow in there. I grabbed his leg and tried lifting him up, he used his upper body strength and pulled himself up the rest of the way. He managed not to get cut with the top barbed wires. I climbed the fence quickly and as I was about to jump my shirt got stuck to the wires. I pulled and pulled but it wouldn't let go, the earth kept falling apart and I became paranoid. I pulled one more time as hard as I could and fell off with a sharp pain all over my torso. I fell down to the floor and picked myself up, by the time I was up Hunter grabbed my hand and we began running into the woods, we didn't stop until an hour later. We stopped to catch out breaths and we realized the cracks were all left behind.

I fell on the ground and lifted up my shirt. The barbed wires tore open my skin, this looked like it was straight out of a horror movie, like I've been sliced open by Freddy cougar. I was in shock from all the blood that was coming out.

"Oh my god" hunter sighed as he dropped to his knees and quickly took off his shirt and pressed it against my stomach. I squirmed in pain and gripped the fallen leaves around me.

"We're both going to die here Hunter. For too much blood lost. So just lay down next to me, there's really no point in fighting it. It's over, our lives are over" I groaned as I pulled out the letter from my pocket.

"So this is how we go huh?" He asks as his eyes got watery and plopped right next to me gripping his thigh.

"Yes this is it" I said as I tore open the envelope, might as well read it now since it's the perfect time.

I decided to read it out loud to my dying buddy...

"Dear Irene,

If you're reading this your father and I are obviously already dead. We wrote this letter in the first wave. Now that we're dead it is in your hands to keep your sister and brother safe. I know it's hard to believe this but your father and I always cared about you and we love you so very much. I know your sister can be a horrible person but there's something you should know about her, she's not normal she's just like your father, you and Toby are the same as her. You're all part human and part extraterrestrial.. You're sister was the way she was because she knew about this all along and she couldn't keep it a secret so that lead her to doing drugs and becoming the person she is. I know it's a lot to take in and you must have so many questions, the only way you're going to get answers is to find your way back home and looking for them there. Our old home is filled with clues and answers.. Please make us proud and let us know we didn't die for nothing by killing all of those sick others. We love you so much, never forget that.

Much love,

Mom and Dad"

I'm an other? And my parents knew? why the fuck didn't they tell me.

"K-killer ... You're an other? You're one of them?!" Hunter asked. He started crawling away from me as if I were a danger to him.

"I-I didn't know. I swear I won't hurt you.. Please don't leave me" I said as I started crying. I've been so strong all these months, made sure never to cry but this was my breaking point. Everyone has a limit and I just reached mine.

"I believe you" he mumbled as he got close to me again and wrapped me in his arms.

"I can't just die now.. We have to find Zombie and The others, I have to say goodbye.. Because I'm going to find some answers"

He nodded his head and helped me up. I was surely bleeding to death but the main thing now is to find them and say my goodbyes.

"They couldn't have gone far, maybe a few miles from here. If we hurry we can probably make it by sun down" hunter said as he wrapped his hand around my waist helping me walk.

I probably won't make it to see Zombie's face one more time but I like to think I will.

Together we began walking along the woods making small talk trying to forget that we were slowly bleeding out and at the edge of death.


One more chapter and this fanfic is over, noooo.

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