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I woke up in a white room completely dizzy and I couldn't even feel my body everything was numb.

I let out a groan from the dizziness.

"Glad you're awake" Vosch smiled as he stepped forward.

"Commander im not one to complain but... My whole body is numb and I can't even lift my head up from how dizzy I am" I said slowly. I closed my eyes, maybe it'll go away in a few minutes.

"Well of course you are." He smiled.

He tightened something around my legs and arms.

"W-what are you doing?" I asked as my head fell back.

"Well killer since you asked, it's always been you since the beginning its always been you" I was totally confused and I couldn't even fight back from the straps I was too weak. "The moment I saw you walk off that bus there was a strong vibe coming off of you and the rest of the soldiers felt it too. When you went to wonderland your results were amazing.. Of the charts actually" he kept explaining as the strap on my neck got tighter. "And then as we kept doing more study on you we realized.. This girl isn't 100% human. No way she's only human, and guess what we found?" This isn't true he has to be lying. "You're human but then you're half other.. It was extraordinary and instead of killing you right there and then we thought to ourselves.. Wait she can actually help us" my eyes got watery because I can't be half other it's impossible my parents were 100% human.

"You're lying to me" I said as I tried to pull against the straps.

"Well whatever it doesn't matter because I'm about to implant this chip inside of you. Once all these drugs wear off you won't remember a thing, you won't remember zombie beating you, you won't remember you beating zombie." He said as he stroked my hair softly.

"Please don't do this.. I won't tell anyone I promise"

All this time I've heard people begging me to stop but now I'm the one beginning.

"Once you fall asleep I will begin"

I tried fighting back the sleepiness that I started feeling but I couldn't help it anymore.


Once he was finished I didn't even know where he put the chip or what it's use was.

I was still drugged out of my mind and I woke up with my body still numb. Vosch unstrapped me from the chair and helped me up. I could barley stand on my own and he looked at me like he just created the best invention in the world.

"Fantastic" he smirked as he had a small remote looking thing in his hand. He pressed a big red button and I blacked out for a few seconds before coming back to life. "I did it" he smiled.

"What did you do to me?" I asked as a sudden rush of pain started crashing all over my body.

I grabbed onto the chair and started screaming in pain.

There was pain all over my body.

"That's the after affect" Vosch said.

It felt like my eyes were being stabbed by needles. My skin felt like knifes were getting dragged down my whole body. My arms feel like they were being twisted behind my back and then cut in half. My legs feel like they are holding up a million pounds.

I fell on the floor rolling in pain. Tears threaten to spill out of my eyes if the pain doesn't stop soon.

"Vosch make it stop" I wanted to rip my hair out as the pain grew stronger.

I started to twist around the floor like crazy.

Then it just started going away, I sat up but there was a shocking sensation in my stomach.

I felt angry and I wanted to kill Vosch.

I didn't even notice I was sleepy until I started closing my eyes again. The last thing Vosch said made the small hairs on my arms stand up.

"You will be my killing machine"

Survivor // Ben Parish Where stories live. Discover now