OMG! Who is he???

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As we walked into the dining hall.  I followed rather closely behind Nicola.  I wanted to make other friends. But walking with her suddenly felt safe.  She was return staff. I knew this with out her telling me. Because, in my welcome letter I was told that all new staff would be paired with a return staff in our cabins.   I guess in my head,  I was thinkin, that if I stick with the return staff, I will meet people.

" Nicola, Who is he?"  I asked gesturing to the really cute guy.  " Oh , that's Mischa, He's our music teacher here at camp, he's also a player"  " Oh really, I replied.  To me it sounded like she was offering a warning.  Not because it was spoken of truthfulness, but more of a I like him back off!   I inquired more, " A player , huh?"   So he's the one to stay away from all summer, because he will just use a girl. And move on?"     "Well, not exactly But yea, Kinda"  She told me.  Well that doesn't clarify anything. 

"He's the one all the girls want", She continued. "But he never, settles for one."  We all think that he has a girlfriend back home."    "Hmmm, interesting.  Well, I can see why all the girls like him, He's hot!"   I said giggling.    " And he knows it!"  Nicola said.  Just as he walked up behind her.    " He knows what?"  he said making her jump. I was already smitten by his looks then he had to go and speak, Oh that Russian Accent.     " OMG!  Mischa!  Nothing" He knows nothing."   "Oh ok" Mischa replied.  "Aren't you going to introduce me to your new staff member you're paired with?"    " Oh right, Sure , Nicola replied.  "This is Leah , she's a lifeguard at the lake this summer"     " Hello Leah, I'm Mischa"  He said offering his hand.  I took his hand, and felt like electricity shot thru my hand, I must be going crazy  I thought.      " So I heard, Nice to meet you!"     " You've heard about me?"  he said a smile escaping his lips.   Yes, Nicola was just telling me about some of the staff as we were walking in."     "Oh I see,"   

He laughed.    "Well, We better find seats our lecture is about to begin."    I sat down next to Nicola and Mischa sat on the other side of me.  I thought that I would die.    I think I'm going insane.  Just being near him I was feeling butterflies in my stomach. I just freaking met him!  How can this be?  I don't think I believe in love at first sight!    But maybe it did exsist.   But I have to get this out of my head.  I didn't come to summer camp to find a boyfriend.   And of course the first one I crush on is known as the camp player!   Wonderful!  

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