Good Morning NYC!

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I woke up what I thought was super early, But I glanced at my clock on my desk and it was already 9am.  I guess it felt so good to sleep in my bed at home that I had slept really well.   I wondered in Mischa was awake yet?  But more so wondered if had to endure talking to my parents for a while while I slept?

I went down to the kitchen to find my mom and Step dad, and Mischa all sitting at the kitchen table.  " Well, Good Morning BeautifuL!"  Mischa said.  I kinda shot him a look.   He just smiled, laughing.  Much to my surprise I didn't get a dirty look form my mother like I thought I would. 

Something fishy was going on.   She just was super happy, She asked what kind of cereal i'd like for breakfast?   I don't know, Mom. I'm not picky.   I got myself a bowl of crispies and sat down.  I felt like all eyes were on me.   No one was saying a word.

Finally, my mom breaks the ackward silence, So what are you two going to do today?   " Well, I thought that we would do some sightseeing.   Then, since its going to be hot , maybe we'd head to Coney Island and go to the beach for bit. "  "well,that sounds fun!"  My mom said.  She was acting so weird.  "What time do you think that you will be back?"  I don't know why?  I replied.   " well, she continued. Jamie and I thought that we would take you and Mischa out for dinner. "  I looked at Mischa , he shrugged his shoulders.  "Okay"  I said.

After I finished eating I said to Mischa, "lets go we have lots to see and we got a later start then I wanted to."   " I'm ready when you are!"   I said okay give me a few minutes.  I ran back to my room ran a brush through my hair.  Stopped in the bathroom to brush my teeth. He was in there brushing his.  I hugged him quick as I walked in. Being sure to leave the bathroom door open so my mom didn't suspect any " funny stuff".

We finally left and did some sightseeing  ,,, Empire state, and Times sq. Then we got on the subway to go to beach.  I loved being with him...

We laughed , talked, played in the ocean and had a great day...   But it was time to get on the subway to go home, have dinner with my family.  In the morning, we have to head back to camp, and its the last three weeks of camp.  I so much, don't want this summer to end.   I want Mischa and I to be forever.  But I'm still not so sure if that can happen with him so far away.....   I squeezed his hand, as we sat on the train, snuggling into him, he kissed the top of my head. I kept telling myself, live here in the moment"     Whats meant to be will always find a way.   But for now, hes here,  with me.  ......

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