Part 23

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We drove by to camp, the drive seems to go by fast. I still couldn't get out of my head that this was one of the last time that we would truly get to alone, during camp.  We had one more night off together. Then, camp was over.  I didn't want it to end.  But greatly looked forward to the two weeks of adventures we would have after camp. I decided to travel after camp with him and a few other camp friends.  We were going to go to Florida and Disney.  Driving down in a friends car, a road trip with camp friends.  Cant get better then that. 

As we pulled into the driveway at camp, I was forced back into reality. Mischa was driving my jeep and I must have dozed off,  I was dreaming of after camp adventures.   " Have a nice nap, Sleeping beauty?"  I laughed and said.  "why did you let me fall asleep?, I wanted to spend the time talking to you!"    "You were so cute, mouth hanging open, snoring. I just couldn't stand to disturb you"    I do NOT snore!"  I yelled , laughing.   " NO really you didn't snore I was just teasing you!"  I hate you!   I laughed.  Playfully smacking his arm.    " That is not what you were saying last night"    " HAHAHA"   I said back at him.   We got out of the car, and he grabbed my bag and his to carry them to the office to check back in.    But before we started walking he grabbed my arm, pulled me close to him, kissed my lips, carefully slipping his tongue between them.  " I had a lot of fun this weekend.!"   he said after the kiss.   " Me too!"  I replied.  Pulling him in for one more quick kiss.    We said a quick goodbye at the office and ran back to our cabins we were running a tad late, so we had to rush to get our cabins ready for campers to arrive.   I was glad that I did laundry, I was actually excited to sleep on clean sheets and a clean sleeping bag,   Oh the things you take for granted that you miss from home.   But I was just blissfully happy.  Feeling so in love.   

Nicola greeted me, if you could call it that.      She gave me a look,  and said.  You seem happy"  I am, thank you! " I replied.  She said she was glad I had a good weekend.  I asked how hers was ... she relpied.   It was ok"  Not fab, or anything... we went out of camp for dinner last night. Myself , a few others. But it was nothing fancy.  Other then that it was just relaxing.    " Oh that's good, I said in reply.  " MIne was nice, it was actually nice to home."      She smiled, nodded then, walked away.   I was glad she didn't press for details of me and Mischa.    But, I smiled to myself at the mere thought of him.....     As I was lost in daydream.    I heard our village chief, yell.    " Heads up, First campers arriving.......

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