New York

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After we finished our escapades in my bedroom at my parents house.  I felt so good, it was so nice to not have to sneak around or be messing around at camp.  But it was also quite scary, I kept thinking .  " what if my mom and step dad come home early?"  And find us all tangled up together in the sheets of my bed.  But they didn't come home.  Thank the Lord.  We got up out of my bed, I put on pjs , he put on a pair of shorts.   I was freaking out a bit. "What if they just know?"  I said to him.    He laughed out loud, pulled me close, then kissed my forehead. Saying, " If they know there's not much we can do about it. I think that your mom suspects there is something going on with us, or she wouldn't have been so fussy"    "I think you're right"  I told him. But I don't want to give her evidence.   He went over and fixed my bed, placing all my stuffed animals and pillows back exactly as they were before we messed it all up.   "There that looks better "  I laughed. Running over to hit him soflty with one of the many pillows on my bed.  He grabbed my arm pulling me in for another quick kiss.

"So do you want to go out and do something?, Ya know this city never sleeps" I , lets go asked him playfully rubbing my hand down his cheek. " Nah, He replied we have all day tomorrow for you to show me around the city lets just stay in and relax tonight.  We don't get much time to just relax at camp"   I agree, I said.  I was hoping you would stay that.  He followed me downstairs , into the kitchen.  "Frozen Pizza okay?"  I asked him.   Yea anything sounds better then camp food.    I put the frozen pizza to bake in the oven, Settled down next to him on the couch, when suddenly there was someone banging on my front door.   

I jumped and Mischa  said   " Do you want me to answer that?"  No thanks I got it,  I just have no idea who it could be?'   He walked behind me, he was so protective.   I opened the door to find my friend Ashlyn All dressed up like she was hitting the clubs.    "Hey! You ARE home!"   I was blowing up your phone, I saw your jeep In the parking lot.   "Yea I'm home , to be honest I have not looked at my phone since I got here."  " I thought maybe we would hit you up tomorrow"      "WhATS THIS "we " stuff? "      Oh my boyfriend is here with me, and tomorrow I am going to show him the sights."   "OMG, She exclaimed so you really do have a boyfriend!"  I thought maybe you were just being a goofball on Insta.   Posting pics of guys you were crushing on"    

No he's very real"  I admitted.    "Well , I'm coming in to meet him.  As she pushed her way thru the door.  (Ashlyn always was exuberant and pushy.)     Mishca had run into the kitchen to check on our baking pizza. Well, where is the camp dude?"  She said.  He walked out of the kitchen, and offered his hand to her. " Hi I'm Mischa"   She took his hand, shaking it.  But the look of shock and disbelief on her face was fab.     "Its um nice to meet you," She blurted out,  "Yea of course, you as well"  He said back.    "So you guys gonna come paint the town tonight?"  She asked.   " NO thanks, I said we are gonna stay in tonite, MOm and Jaime are out, and we don't get much time to relax at camp"      " Awww I see she said.     " Well, don't do anything I would do"  I almost said  "Too late"   But felt that it was way better to keep my romantic life to myself At least for now.     Finally, after what felt like Forever, Ashlyn left, saying she was gonna be late to meet some hot guys at the club."

Mischa questioned me when she left.  " Is she your best friend?" Am I gonna have to worry about you going out to meet "hot guys " at the club when I go back to Russia.   I looked at him and felt tears well in my eyes.  I don't want him to think that at all.    "She is my former best friend, She used to be cool,  But in the last few years shes become totally boy crazy,  I don't hang out with her much, Besides I will be studying a lot once I Start college at Columbia in the fall.    He grabbed my hands , pulled me towards him, and said " Good, because I want to be the only hot guy you're meeting"   I laughed, kissing his cheek.    

Our pizza is done" He then said.   WE brought pizza into the living room , put a movie on Cuddling up,  We must have fallen asleep because next thing I remember was Mischa jumping up , pulling himself away from me.  When he heard the locks on the front door unlocking.,  He made it really seem like he was sitting on the other couch all night.  My mom and step dad walked in.   " Hey! Did you two behave? " was the first thing out of my moms mouth.   " Yes mom, We just made a pizza and watched a movie."   "Ok I hope so"    We are exhausted we are going to bed. Remember , Mischa has to sleep on the couch.    " I know, Mom"   She smiled at me and walked in to their bedroom.  Jamie was following but turned back and winked at us.    

"I think its bedtime for us too, " I went to the hall closet and got him a pillow , and a blanket.   Then told him, "Goodnight, Ya tibia lu blue"     He kissed me softly on the lips , and said in a whisper " I love you too"    As I climbed up to my loft bedroom.  I looked backwards, He was heading into the bathroom.  He smiled at me, and blew me a kiss.  I laid down, in my bed that still smelled like him. 

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