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It was so hard to sleep last night, I was so giddy from all that happened with Mischa.  I was so in love with this boy.  It was 3 weeks into camp and I was this crazy.  But I was also terrified that there was only another 6 weeks left of camp.... 

then, I wasn't sure what would happen.  I knew that Mischa had another two weeks he was going to spend in the USA traveling. But what would happen after that?  I'd cry saying goodbye.  Would it be forever goodbye?  Or just until I see you again goodbye? The truth was I didn't know.   But I was enjoying the ride before I had to worry about goodbye that's for sure.

I woke up super early and ran to take a quick shower, before even Nicola was awake , usually she was up before me showering,  Not today.    I got back to the cabin as she was just waking up.   Are you just getting back from last night?" She asked.   " Um no,I laughed.  I couldn't sleep so I thought i'd run for a shower quick before you woke up.  And before any campers woke up.   " Oh I see " She said.  That is not like you, to be the early bird"  She said again.  " I know, I just couldn't sleep."   Oh ok"  She replied and left me alone.  I went back to my side of the cabin... I pulled out my notebook and wrote Mischa a new note.  

Dear Mish,

Last nite was AMAZING!   I can't believe how fast this all happened. But I'm so excited and so happy.   Cant wait to see you later.  And cant wait to kiss you, ,,,,

I LOVE you   Ya tibia lu blu


I folded the note and stuck it in my pocket.  

  I also turned on my cell phone  to see if I could upload a pic to Instagram.    I was able to.   I put a pic I snapped last night of Mischa playing the song for me.   #camp #summerlove #campboyfriend #lovethisboyandthisplace

I logged offline. 

and headed to breakfast....  Mischa was there at dining hall,, of course. I handed him my note, right in the open didn't even try to disquise it anymore.    He was my boyfriend now.... Just couldn't let campers know...  but staff, screw it!  They all could know.     I cant wait to see him later......

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