Part 10

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The Day went by fast but slow at the same time. As if that makes any sense. But, that is exactly how it felt.  I pushed thru testing child after child swimming in the lake.  I sat on a rescue tube in the water a lot.  It helped that it was a very hot day.   Even though, after a while I was freezing cold.   I couldn't get Mischa off my mind.  Of course, I also wondered if he had me on his mind too as he was pulling suitcase after suitcase off of the pickup truck.  

Finally, check in was over and I was able to go change into some dry warmer clothes.  I combed thru my ratty . lake smelly, hair.  I didn't have time to shower so I just sprayed some leave in conditioner in it. And sprayed my self with some body spray.  Hoping that if I should get to have the chance, even a moment to be close to Mischa that I wouldn't stink too bad like the lake.  My cabin was no longer the peaceful quiet, relaxing place that it was just days ago, Now it was full, full of noisy 12 yr old girls.   I laughed to myself.  And tried to imagine if I was just like them when I came to camp every summer. I was certain that I was.     About 530pm we rounded up all the girls in our cabin to head to dining hall for dinner , we sang camp songs with them as we walked.    " I said  A BOOM CHICKA BOOM! "    Lingered in the air , echoing in my ears.  Suddenly, for a moment I felt as though I was still the camper , I recalled.   But was quickly brought back to my reality of camp staff, as I saw Mischa , My beautiful, sexy Mischa , walk across the field.   How smitten was I, as he was surrounded by the little boys , his cabin was younger boys.   6 yrs old.  They held his hands and walked with him. As if he was the greatest thing since sliced bread.    I'd have to agree with them. Admitting to myself that I was possibly a bit jealous of a bunch of six year olds that got to hang on him right now.   I wanted to do that too.

He saw me and winked.    Then came over to me after he got his boys all lined up in flag ceremony formation.   Hi leah, he said.  He pulled a clip board out of his back pack. and looked very "Official"    I just wanted to give you this thought I had drawn up " He said.   AS he turned to walk away I was very very confused.   But I folded the paper a few times and shoved it into my own backpack. 

When I finally had a minute to myself (in the bathroom)  I pulled out the paper.  Unfolded it and read'

" Hello Beautiful Leah,

Welcome to a camp "text message"  Haha since we cant have our cell phones out during camper time.  I figure we can communicate this way.  I don't understand how I have become so infatuated with you in such a short time.  I am not a guy who gets attached to girls.  But I feel something different when I'm around you.  Its like I want to be around you more.  I really enjoyed our time off together.  And look forward TO the next .  But , for now we may have to be content with glances, smiles and notes like this.  Since next time off isn't for a few days , or we wont always be able to be at staff house at the same times.   I hope that you can maybe get there about 10 pm tonight , even only for a few minutes.  I will be there waiting.    Love , Mischa.

I clenched the note to my chest.   He did feel the same as I did.   Was I dreaming all this?   I needed someone to pinch me.    I hoped I could get to the staff house too..  I was sure going to try because I too longed to see him even if only for a moment as he said.      Perhaps, also because I really need a shower, a quiet realaxing away from tween girls shower house, staff house shower.   ........

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