Magic 8

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Authors note:

"Just in case you have never worked at a sleep away summer camp before, friendships and relationships develop very quickly. You are spending 24/7 with these co workers.  Its crazy to understand for some perhaps. But its the truth.  So if it seems like Mischa and Leah are moving fast its all in  " Camp time"  :)  thanks for reading my story.  I'd love to hear feedback!  :)"

I was totally freaking out about Mischa going with us tonight.  Bree had come to my cabin to help me pick out a cute outfit.   " Bree, I said.  He could just be , being nice.  I don't really think he likes me, like that!"    " I don't know for sure, She quipped. But if I were a Magic 8 ball , I'd have to say signs point to yes! "   I laughed at her comment.   " that's what I am going to call you from now on I teased. Magic 8"   " HA HA very funny" She said back smiling.  I chose to to wear a cute pair of shorts and Abercrombie t shirt.  With flip flops.   " DO I look ok?"  I asked Bree.  "Yes you look cute! "  Your makeup looks cute too!"   " Thank you that was going to be my next question!  " I figured as much" she replied.

We walked down the dirt path to the staff parking lot.  Mischa was standing by the lot entrance. I guessed waiting for us obviously but he didn't know which car was mine.   He looked good.  His hair was still wet, from his recent shower.  He had on skinny jeans and a light blue t shirt.   " Hi Mischa , I yelled as we approached.  " Hello ladies!"  He said.   My car is over here.  "The jeep!  " Sweet ride"  He announced.   " you can sit in the front Mischa", Bree said.  "Ok" Mischa replied.    As we rode the short distance to the shopping center. We didn't really say much but all three of us sang along to every song that came on the radio. When we got closer I said.  " where should we eat?"    How bout just that Mcdonalds right there near the mall?"  Bree suggested.   " That works for me!"  Mischa chimed in.   So after having a fast dinner we headed towards the mall.  

Walking around I needed to buy some sunscreen and Bree wanted flip flops.   Mischa didn't need any thing he said He was just glad to be off camp for a bit.  And kept thanking me for allowing him to come with us.    " You don't have to thank me! I told him.   " You can come with me , on any day off."   He just smiled.   As our time off camp drew to a close , we hopped back into my jeep and went "home" to camp.

After we arrived back at camp.  Mischa offered to walk me back to my village.  " I have to pass the path to your village to get to mine anyway, do you want me to walk you to your village?"   "I'd like that very much, especially since I forgot my flashlight"   He laughed.   As we walked , the first few seconds were in silence.

Then, Mischa said.   " I know you told me I didn't have to thank you, but I am glad that I got to spend time with you off of camp."   Me too" I said.    " Ya know Leah, I know that its fast, but when you're at camp.  Its different knowing someone a week is like knowing someone a month.   " I agree."  I said shyly.    "Well, he said I think that I'd like to know you better.  "Id like to go out more often on days off, I'd also like to hang out at camp."  He said.   " I would like that'    I replied softly.   '  He continued  " Hopefully we can have some time alone too, both on camp and off.  "   I couldn't help but smile.   My smile was enough response, I suppose, because he didn't say another word ,, Just reached down for my hand slipping his fingers through mine.    I was freaking out inside but trying hard to not show it. We reached the short path to my village, I could see the light from my cabin's porch in the distance. " Are you okay walking from her?  He asked.  Still holding my hand.   " I think so!" I replied.  Though part of me wanted to say No, So I could just get some more time with him.  Hold his hand a little longer.   But , I knew in my heart this was only the beginning. That there would be many more moments to come.     He looked at me , and picked up my other hand in his and pulled me close for a tight hug.    " See you tomorrow"  He said   " yes , see you at breakfast" I said.     "  Good night My sweet Leah,!"

   OMG butterflies again.  Did he just call me  " His "          " Good night Mischa"  I said  He kissed my forehead.  Then, he was gone walking towards his own village.   I got back to my cabin and I was happy to find that Nicola was not yet back from night off.   I changed into my pajamas , climbed into my sleeping bag.  When I closed my eyes , I could see his beautiful face.   Still feel his hand touching mine.   It was a touch I wanted to feel all the time. I knew I was falling fast.   Couldn't wait to see what the rest of summer brings........

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