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A/N: I've attached another video (surprise!) The above video is what I went off of for Mitch and Kirstie's routine. I absolutely love Meryl and Charlie and could honestly watch their skating all day (fun fact: a lot of times when I'm stressed I'll watch some of their videos because it's really relaxing to watch and they're cuuuute). Sorry, if this isn't 100% error free. I'll have to come back and reread it later tonight. Thank you all for reading. <3


Scott pushed open the hotel door and threw his bag onto the floor, kicking it over to the side. He rolled his suitcase over to the side along with his bag and kept it there before walking over to the bed and flopping down onto it. He had his legs and arms sprawled out, sporting the popular starfish position.

He heard Avi chuckle behind him as he went and gently set his bag and suitcase on the other bed. "Tired?"

Scott just grunted as he rolled over onto his side to face Avi. He watched as he carefully unzipped his suitcase and pulled out his clothes for tomorrow, setting them on the chair in the room. Scott admired that Avi was always organized, it definitely made for a good roommate. Scott wasn't messy, but sometimes he felt bad for Avi because he wasn't nearly as neat as him.

They had been on the road for two weeks now and had just landed in Chicago. Tomorrow was a practice day and then the next day was game day. Scott always loved Chicago, he loved the Bean and walking on the Navy Pier. And he could never get enough of their pizza. There was just something about being in Chicago that made it extra delicious.

Scott heard his phone ding from across the room in his bag and he groaned. "Aviiii."

"Yes, dearest?" Avi said in a sarcastic tone as he went to place his toiletries in the bathroom.

"My phone dinged."

"Indeed it did," He peaked his head out of the bathroom. "I'm going to take a quick shower."

"Avi," Scott whined and flopped his arms on the bed. "Please."

Avi sighed before walking back out into the room and retrieving Scott's phone from his book bag. Scott's phone dinged again as he did so. "Oh, two texts in a row from ice boy."

Scott picked up his phone after Avi had placed it gently on the bed. "Anything else, your highness?"

Scott grunted again. "Thanks. Enjoy your shower."

Avi mumbled a thanks before heading in and closing the door behind him.

Scott dragged his body up the bed and laid down properly, his head on the pillow and his phone resting on his stomach as he looked at it, head angled down. He was sure if he opened his camera right now he would have a double chin, so he didn't open snapchat or his camera.

scottttyyyy, did you land?? xxxx

Scott smiled at all of the x's Mitch had left him and read the next text.


mitchy! the plane landed just fine :) x

we just made it to the hotel and i am exhausted x1000

poor bby :(

i have something that'll wake you up!

you do? ;)

ur gross

Scott chuckled before moving on. He hadn't even meant to send the winky face, but it was too late now.

what's the good news?

kirstie and i are skating tomorrow afternoon at 3 IN CHICAGO, and i got you a few tickets. i figured maybe you would want to bring some of your friends!

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