Schedule Change

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Mitch barely had the door to his apartment closed when he heard the bag Scott had been holding fall to the floor, and hands immediately sliding around him from behind. Mitch smiled and tilted his head up to find Scott who was already placing kisses down his jaw.

Mitch giggled and turned around in Scott's arms, placing his hands on either side of Scott's face to pull his lips towards his. Mitch sighed when their lips finally met, sliding his hands to wrap around Scott's neck. Scott's hands tentatively went under Mitch's shirt, gently gripping his hips to pull him closer.

Scott hoisted Mitch up so he could wrap his legs around his waist, walking them to the bedroom. The two stopped in the hallway as Scott pushed Mitch against the wall to help him take off his shirt in a hurry. Scott kissed down Mitch's shoulder to his chest before moving back up and lightly nipping at the skin of his neck.

Mitch whined, rolling his hips against Scott but not getting the friction he was seeking since he was being held up against the wall. Scott wrapped his arms back around Mitch's back and led him to his bed, slowly laying Mitch down on the bed and climbing over top of him with his hands positioned on either side of his head.

Mitch giggled breathlessly when Wyatt loudly protested with meows before hopping off the bed and into the hallway. Scott couldn't help but laugh along with Mitch, admiring his dimples as he stared off to where Wyatt had been laying. He refocused his gaze back to Scott, his dimples still apparent on his face. Scott leaned forward and placed a simple kiss on each one.

"You're," Scott kissed Mitch's lip. "So." Kiss. "Beautiful." Kiss.

Mitch giggled again, placing his hand firmly on the back of Scott's head to bring him in for a kiss that would last longer than a few seconds. He wrapped his legs around Scott's waist and moved his hips up to rub against Scott's crotch.

Scott let out a startled moan into the kiss he was sharing with Mitch, feeling Mitch smirk into the kiss. Scott gently bit his lower lip, pulling away and letting it slide between his teeth. He lowered his head to Mitch's neck, one of his favorite places to kiss him.

"I wanna be close to you again," Mitch murmured, his lips centimeters from Scott's ear.

Mitch didn't need to say anything else before Scott was reclaiming Mitch's mouth with his own and his fingers were running across his ribs with such a feather light touch, care evident in every touch that was given to him.

"Are you sure, Mitchy?" Scott felt it was important to ask, especially given how Mitch reacted afterwards last time. He didn't want a repeat of that. And with the two parting in a week or so, it worried him a bit. He wanted him to be ready and completely willing to give in to Scott.

"Yes," Mitch breathed, giving Scott more access as he kissed underneath his jaw. "Please."


Scott woke up the next morning to light puffs of air beating against his ribs, the feeling tickling a bit each time the small boy next to him would breathe out. Scott smiled happily and rolled over onto his side so he could pull Mitch closer to him, he woke for a moment but fell back asleep as Scott ran his fingers up and down his back.

Scott revelled in the moment. Soon him and Mitch would be miles apart and this wouldn't be able to happen anymore. Scott was more than grateful for the few weeks the two had spent together so far, it was more time than he had ever thought the two would have together.

Scott still had a hard time believing how quickly the two connected with one another, a small bit of worry still in the back of his mind at how perhaps they had moved too fast. But Scott had a feeling this was all supposed to happen. All of it, from the beginning when he heard the beautiful notes come from Mitch's mouth, to watching him skate with such passion, to just hours ago when the two had shared such an intimate night together.

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