Fashion on Ice

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Scott threw his hands up in the air, hockey stick tight in his grip as his teammates skated up to him and they all slammed together with their arms going around one another in an attempt to do some sort of strange hug.

"Goal by Alexander Kirk, assisted by Scott Hoying!"

"You got it in!" Alex yelled, a huge smile across his face.

Scott lightly hit Alex's helmet with his gloved hand as the two skated to their positions for the next puck drop. "The game isn't over yet, Kirk."

"Might as well be," He said before turning his body forward and skating towards his spot. He crouched down and positioned his stick, Scott doing the same.

A small smile played on his lips as he watched the puck drop onto the ice. He zeroed in on it and felt his body doing all the work for him, zoning out the crowd, the yelling, and all of the other distractions floating around.


Scott laughed as he shook his water bottle, causing the water to land on Alex. He tilted it upside down, letting the water pour over his hair. Alex laughed and hit the water bottle out of Scott's hand, the hollow sound of the bottle hitting the floor followed.

"Just because we won doesn't mean you need to do that. It's not like this is football and your water is gatorade," Alex said with a teasing tone.

"I know." Scott smiled, pulling his jersey off over his head and letting it lay on the bench.

Jeremy made his way over to Alex and Scott, shaking his head as Alex attempted to hit another water bottle out of Scott's hand. He rolled his eyes and snatched the water bottle from Scott's hand, squeezing it a bit too hard and making water slop out and onto Scott.

Alex laughed. "You kind of deserved that, Hoying," He turned to Jeremy. "Thank you."

"Yeah, yeah. We're going to grab some drinks, you two in?"

"Hell yeah," Alex answered, zipping up his duffel bag and walking over to put his stick away.

Jeremy gave Scott a questioning look. "You coming, too?"

"What time are you guys meeting?"

"Probably after we all get cleaned up here."

Scott bit his lip. Part of him wanted to go hang out with his team, but the other part of him just wanted to go to Mitch's apartment and be there with him to talk about how his performance went and just relax together. Scott, however, was aware that he hadn't done anything with the team in awhile since he always wanted to go be with Mitch. A feeling of guilt spread through him and before thinking about it too much more he answered Jeremy.

"Yeah, sure. Let me just hit the showers."

"A lot of guys still have to take showers too, no rush."

Scott nodded to Jeremy as he went off to talk to a few of the other guys. He picked up his phone and opened his messages finding no new ones since Mitch had texted him right before his game, telling him to kick ass.

hey, going out with the team to celebrate. hopefully i won't be too late. how did your performance go? <3

Scott locked his phone and placed it back inside of his duffel bag, heading for the showers. Jeremy had been right when he said a lot of the team had yet to take a shower, Scott had to wait a few minutes for a free shower head and when one finally opened up he showered as quickly as he could.

He wrapped a towel around his waist on his way out, heading straight for his duffel bag where he had packed an extra change of clothes. He was glad he had packed jeans this time rather than a pair of sweatpants like normal. He ran his fingers through his hair a couple times, settling for it to just kind of fall wherever since he didn't have the little bit of product that he did use.

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