North Carolina

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i can't wait for this to air, there's twizzles in one of the dances

twizzles?! 💓

only for u <3 x

how do u feel?

like my legs may fall off

pls don't let them fall off. i like ur legs

don't worry, about to do post stretches with kit. ttyl x

muaaahhhh xx


Mitch wasn't lying when he said he felt like his legs may fall off. Him and Kirstie had ran through their routines earlier that morning on the ice, only getting a chance to run through both once. They decided then to have a light breakfast and do off-ice practice of their routines, nerves getting the better of them. They both wanted to perform to the best of their abilities, they always believed in going out there and giving 100%.

They were satisfied with both performances, already finding themselves eager for the Christmas season to roll around so they could watch and see how they executed themselves on the ice. It wasn't set to air until early December and the two found themselves wondering how the year had seemed to pass so quickly.

Mitch didn't really remember the trip back to his hotel room, but didn't complain when he let himself in his room and curled up on the hotel bed. He knew he needed to get up and put on pajamas and take off his show make up but he couldn't be bothered for the time being. He'd been going non-stop for over twelve hours and was finally feeling the effects on his body as he lay there and paid attention to his breathing.

He wanted to FaceTime Scott too, but couldn't find the energy to get his phone from the duffel bag he had tossed to the side when he walked in.

He would do it later, but a nap would be an okay thing to have right now. Five minutes. That's all he needed.

Five minutes.

Five minutes turned into eleven hours, and violent banging was stirring him out of his sleep. The banging scared him at first, but it was soon accompanied by Esther's voice telling him they had to leave in ten minutes for their flight.

Mitch's eyes widened as he realized he was still in his yoga pants and tight fit shirt from the day before, show make up still on his face. He found himself too warm with his tight fit shirt and surge warm long sleeve top over it. Lululemon didn't lie when it said it took off the chill.

He told Esther he would meet her in the hallway in ten as he practically leaped out of bed and into the bathroom where he cringed at his tired face and wild hair. He tried to set his priorities straight as he stared at his reflection: hair and then change clothing, maybe remove make up if time would allow.

He was a whirlwind around his room, trying to pack as he picked out his clothes. He tossed a pair of jeans and his Vetements hoodie on the bed, stripping out of his yoga pants and long sleeve top and tight fit shirt underneath. He was relieved when the cool air hit his chest.

He quickly changed into his dark blue jeans and black Vetements hoodie before shoving his other clothes back into his suitcase. He went into the bathroom with a few make up wipes and scrubbed off his show make up to the best of his ability. He had about two minutes till he had to meet Esther and Kirstie in the hallway so he dealt with the fact that he would have to go without make up today.

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