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Scott blearily blinked his eyes open, confused for a moment as to what the weight on his lap was and why his neck hurt so badly. He brought his head up from the back of the couch and looked at the TV that was quietly playing in the background. Slowly, he reached forward for the remote and clicked it off before looking down in his lap to see Mitch asleep, the bag of frozen peas partly on his shoulder and partly on Scott.

Scott picked up the frozen peas, that weren't so frozen anymore, and placed them on the coffee table as he tried not to wake Mitch. A small sigh came from the boy but he didn't wake up, obviously very worn out from his day at the rink.

Scott worked one arm under Mitch's back and the other under his knees, one arm was wedged between him and Mitch as the other dangled in the air. Scott went down the hallway and into his room, having to walk in sideways to get through his door.

As he placed Mitch on the bed his eyes started to flutter open. Scott sat on the edge of the bed and smoothed down his bangs, trying to get him back to sleep.

"Go back to sleep," he murmured quietly.

Mitch hummed contentedly and let his eyes flutter back shut, snuggling down deeper into the bed. Scott smiled softly before stripping of his shirt and sweatpants. He crawled in next to Mitch and immediately found himself gravitating towards him. Scott had missed having Mitch there with him to snuggle up to and keep his thoughts at bay.

He pulled the smaller boy against his chest, already feeling his eyes force themselves shut.


At first, he thought he was dreaming. The feather light touch of fingers down his arm and the soft kisses being placed along his scruffy jaw were so gentle and sweet. He wanted to keep his eyes closed and fall back into his dream, but when he heard a quiet whisper of his name he blinked open his eyes and let a lazy smile crawl its way onto his face. Mitch was perched up on his right elbow and his left hand drawing lazily across Scott's jaw.

"Good morning," Mitch whispered, kissing Scott's chin.

Scott hummed and wrapped his arms around Mitch's waist. "Morning, Icy."

Mitch chuckled. "Icy?"

"My ice princess."

Mitch grinned, adjusting himself so that he'd be lying on top of Scott. "You're silly this morning."

"I missed waking up to you," Scott murmured, moving his hands from Mitch's waist to run across his back.

"Well, you can wake up to me for a few more days," Mitch answered. "Why don't you come stay at my place for the rest of your time here?"

"Do you not like it here?"

Mitch laughed, placing a hand on Scott's shoulder as the other one brushed through his blonde hair. "No, however, your lack of food is astounding. And second, I still have a cat I have to take care of."

"Oh, yes. I forgot about your precious Wyatt."

"My baby." Mitch placed another kiss on Scott's jaw.

"Me or the cat?"

Mitch shrugged. "Guess you'll never know."

Another kiss was placed on his jaw and then another, and another, and another.

"You're very kissy this morning," Scott commented, pulling Mitch tighter against him. "Not that I'm complaining."

Mitch only smiled as he kissed along Scott's jaw and down his neck, placing a final kiss on his chest. "Breakfast?"

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