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Scott sat back on Mitch's bed, his legs dangling off of the end and his arms spread out from side to side. He felt bloated and like eating that last piece of pizza was a mistake but he would never admit that to Mitch.

"I'm so full," He moaned as he felt Mitch lay down beside him in the same fashion, his back on Scott's arm that he had spread out.

He turned his head to look at Mitch and was met with soft brown eyes already staring back at him. "I told you that last piece was a bad idea, Scotty."

Scott waved his hand, dismissing Mitch's accusation. "It was the last piece. I couldn't just leave it there."

Mitch hummed in response. "What now?"

Scott sat back up on the bed and took the room service out in to the hallway before coming back in and sitting indian style on the bed. Mitch followed suit and sat across from him, brushing his bangs behind his face.

"Let's talk."

Mitch arched one of his eyebrows. "Talk? I feel like you're about to break up with me and we're not even together."

Scott chuckled. "Talk as in getting to know each other better. When did you first start ice skating?"

Mitch folded his hands in his lap before he started talking. "When I was three. Of course it was less ice skating and more ice walking. My mom always said I was a natural, although she's bias, and she put me in skating classes right away. I had my first competition when I was four. I say competition very lightly though. When I was seven I met Kirstie, but we didn't start skating together until we were nine. We've been partners ever since and I really can't imagine skating with anyone else. We both put all of our trust into one another when we're on the ice and it can be difficult to find a person to do that with. I got lucky with my first partner."

"I would pay to see little home videos of three year old Mitch skating."

Mitch laughed lightly. "You wouldn't need to pay anything. My mom would gladly let you watch for free. Trust me, she tries to get anyone and everyone to watch them during holidays. What about you? What's your story?"

"My story all began when I was four years old." Scott started talking with his voice lower than normal.

Mitch rolled his eyes and Scott went back to talking normal. "I had just turned four and my parents took me and my sister to an ice rink. I screamed the whole time I was there and refused to touch the ice, so my dad ended up holding me the entire time. I guess afterwards I couldn't stop babbling on about how I wanted to go back to the ice so my parents took me back and I held onto my dad's hand the whole time. My parents took me back about every week because I wouldn't shut up about it and eventually they put me in some skating classes. When I was five I joined my first hockey team and the rest is history."

"So the famous Scott Hoying cried and screamed the first time he went ice skating."

Scott nodded. "Yes, he did. But he went back out there and became the greatest there ever was."

Mitch laughed and played with the long sleeves of his hoodie. "The greatest? I don't know about that."

Scott leaned over to his left and picked up a pillow. He lightly hit Mitch on the side. "Take it back."

Mitch laughed and crawled up to the head of the bed, grabbing a pillow to defend himself. "No! Have you seen T.J. Oshie play?"

Scott rolled his eyes. "Yes, have you?"

"Yeah, totally."

"Why are you lying to me?" Scott laughed out as he crawled up the bed towards Mitch.

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