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I wanted to do a bit of Mitch POV. x


"You're sure there's no other flights?"

"Sorry, sir. We're booked for the rest of tonight and tomorrow. Our next flight with available seats would be in two days."

Mitch sighed and nodded his head, feeling defeated. "Thanks."

He walked with his shoulders sagging over to sit and wait for the gate to open and be called to board his flight. He found himself staring at his phone. He had four missed texts from Scott, eleven calls, and eight voicemails.

you okay?

mitch, i'm really worried. please answer your phone?

Mitchy, please. x

I'm sorry if I did anything. Please message me or call me. Just let me know you're okay.

Mitch could tell from the difference in Scott's typing that he was nervous. He had used punctuation and capital letters, a rarity between the two of them.

He exited out of Scott's messages and went to the voicemails. He wanted the red notification to go away. It was annoying.

The first three messages were nothing, just Scott hanging up a bit too late.

But the next five were him talking worriedly to Mitch and asking him if he was okay, as if the voicemail lady would answer and tell him everything that was going on with Mitch and that he was not okay. The worst part was, Mitch could tell Scott had been crying. He could hear it in his voice and the few sniffles that he would hear every few words.

Mitch went into his contacts and pulled up Kirstie's name, needing someone to talk to and calm him down. He was starting to freak out all over again since he'd read Scott's texts and listened to his voicemails.

"Hey, Mitch! How's my favorite partner?"

"Hey, Kit."

"What's wrong, Mitchy?" She immediately asked him, knowing something was wrong from the small waiver in his voice.

And suddenly Mitch felt hot tears sliding down his cheeks. He pulled the hood of his hoodie up and sunk lower into his seat, placing one hand over his face so people passing by couldn't see him pathetically crying in an airport because he had just had sex with a friend he hadn't really known for that long. 

"Kit, I messed up." He took a deep breath, willing these stupid tears to stop. He could taste the salt go past his lips as the tears reached his mouth.

"Baby, what's wrong? Where are you? Are you with someone? Talk to me."

It took Mitch a few deep breaths to calm down and he found himself silently hiccuping.

"We had sex, Kit. It's all my fault. He didn't want to at first. He didn't want a relationship, he said that distance would be too much and he wouldn't be able to do it. We tried to find a happy medium, maybe wait until after Worlds but that's such a long wait. And then we thought we would see when our schedules would collide and we'd be near each other but I told him to just be reckless. And so he was and I was. Together we were reckless. We just had sex, Kit. And I'm so mad at myself. Why the fuck would I do that? I'm not reckless, that's the opposite with me. I stick with routines. That's what I do. I don't just fuck someone because I want to. God, I messed up."

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