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Mitch felt Scott's nose gently bump against his as his lips continued to softly worked against his. The sound of erratic breathing coming from the both of them as Mitch gripped Scott's shirt in his hand, wrinkling it up in his tight grip.

He knew he needed to pull away or push Scott away but he couldn't because this was intoxicating. He could taste the wine on Scott's lips and God, were they soft. He had never kissed such soft lips. He had thought they'd be chapped because of how often he was subjected to the cold, but no, they were so soft.

Mitch pulled away from Scott, needing to breathe, and Scott's lips chased after his like a magnet.

"Scotty," Mitch unclenched Scott's shirt from his hand and lightly pushed against his chest. "You're drunk, babe. Stop before we do something we don't want to."

"You know I've thought about it before," Scott whispered to Mitch. Mitch could feel Scott moving back towards him, wrapping his arm around Mitch's thin waist.

Mitch ran his hand down Scott's chest, wanting to go back to seconds ago when he was gripping this same shirt in his hand. "Thought about what?"

"About us."

Mitch hummed in response still not sure what Scott was referring to.

Scott continued on his own. Rambling on with slurred words. "I've thought about us actually doing it, you know. Us having sex. You wouldn't believe it but at one point I thought, hey maybe Mitch and I could have one of those relationships where it's just sex. No feelings, no attachments, just sex. But I easily realized I don't do that. And I wouldn't be able to do that with you. If I was going to be with you, I would want to be with you completely. Kinda cheesy. Sorry, you didn't get your shredded cheese."

Mitch closed his eyes and bit his bottom lip. He just wanted to sleep. He kept telling himself that Scott was drunk and confused, he didn't know what he was saying.

Scott put his face back in the crook of Mitch's neck and placed a small kiss there before sighing contently.

"And I lied in the interview. I always try not to lie, but I had to for that question. I didn't want them all over us. And we'll get cheese tomorrow. Night, Mitchy."

Mitch didn't say goodnight back.


Scott woke up to an empty bed and an awful hangover. He felt around the bed for a body he knew wouldn't be there but his fingers found a note instead. He squinted his eyes as he read the piece of ripped paper.

Went to practice Black Swan routine and decided to let you sleep in because I knew you'd have a hangover. I'll bring back breakfast. Mitch x

Scott decided he should get up, get ready for the day and try to get rid of this hangover, but before heading to the bathroom he grabbed some ibuprofen from his bag and tossed back a couple of the small pills.

Scott sighed as he walked into the bathroom and changed. He remembered last night. He remembered all of it. He remembered pouring a couple glasses of wine and eventually just drinking out of the bottle. He remembered giggling with Mitch and then kissing him below the ear after he had given a long spiel about how he had felt the past couple days. Which, really, the spiel didn't really help Scott determine if Mitch liked him. But the kiss did. Mitch had kissed him back, although hesitantly at first. And Scott was glad Mitch had made them stop while they were ahead because he knew they could've been in a much messier situation this morning, literally and figuratively.

As Scott was finishing up brushing his teeth he heard the door to the hotel room close and movement in the lounge area. Scott quickly finished up and headed back out of the bathroom as he put his SnapBack over top of his messy morning hair.

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