Wine Night

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A/N: This has over 1K reads? I love you guys. <3 Sorry this took me awhile to update. I moved back home from college so I've been unpacking like crazy and I had to get my work schedule all lined up! Hope you all enjoy.


Scott walked into his room, well technically Mitch's, to hear upbeat music playing. As he walked from the lounge area to the bedroom he saw Mitch dancing around, wine bottle on the nightstand along with two wine glasses.

"Did you start without me?"

Mitch stopped dancing and turned around to see Scott, a smile broke out across his face.

"No! The bottle is still completely full!"

"Can you keep it full for fifteen more minutes?"

Mitch hummed and he swayed over to Scott. "I don't know. That's a long time."

"You've already gone this long."

Mitch nodded. "True."

"It'll be the fastest shower I ever take in my life."

Mitch sighed dramatically. He did a sweeping motion with his hands towards the bathroom. "Go ahead."

Scott smiled before getting some clothes out of his bag and heading into the bathroom. He placed a kiss on Mitch's head as he passed by him.

Mitch picked up the wine bottle and two wine glasses deciding to head into the lounge area. He sat down on the couch and placed the wine and two glasses on the small table in front of him. While the wine bottle was practically begging him to open it, he used all of his self control to wait for Scott.

As a distraction, he flipped on the TV and channel surfed while he waited for Scott to come out of the bathroom. Mitch found a sports channel and decided to just keep it on as he noticed Scott's team was being interviewed. He sat back on the couch and watched - or tried to. Mitch was finding himself consumed by his thoughts. He couldn't stop thinking about his relationship, or friendship he really didn't know what to call it, with Scott. The two had known each other for a few weeks, yet they both acted as if it had been longer. They had cuddled together on multiple occasions, pretty much every night since Mitch had started traveling with the team and the past day or so fleeting kisses had started between the two. Mitch remembered the one Scott had given him last night right below his ear and found himself blushing just thinking about it.

Mitch perked up as he heard Scott's voice on the TV. He was saying hello to the interviewer and smiling politely as he sat down across from her, obviously worn out from practice. He had his hair under a SnapBack, of course placed backwards, and a Ducks shirt on. The woman asked routine questions about the season and where he saw them going from here, his thoughts on the game they would be playing tomorrow night and his routine. Nearing the end of the interview Mitch widened his eyes as his name was said.

Mitch haphazardly reached for the remote and clicked the up arrow on volume a couple times.

"Are you and him friends?" He heard come from the TV.

Mitch watched as Scott waited a second before answering, obviously not expecting the question. Mitch was somewhat surprised too. He didn't watch sports interviews a lot but knew it was probably unusual for sports players to get these kind of questions. Mitch had gotten a couple of these questions when he had been to red carpet events for his few singing appearances, but rarely for ice events.

Mitch paid close attention as Scott answered the question.

"Yeah, actually. I met him at our opening game when he sang the National Anthem. We immediately clicked and became friends. I've loved having him travel with us."

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