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A/N: First, this chapter wasn't even supposed to exist but when I was going back through my chapters and reading them, I decided I wanted some cute Scömìche fluff so I hope you enjoy! :)

Second, I did it y'all. I turned in my 20 page paper. I'm done with that class until next semester. I could cry of happiness.

Enjoy. <3


"Okay, how much time do we have before you need to be back?"

Scott clicked on his phone and looked at the time. It was just breeching 1:45 and Scott had to be back at the arena by at least 4:30.

"We have about," Scott quickly tried to figure it out in his head. "Two and a half hours, give or take."

"Perfect." Mitch reached for Scott's hand and tugged him towards the entrance of the Dallas Zoo.

"I'm so excited we're at the zoo. I haven't been to the zoo in years! Especially this one."

Mitch smiled as Scott impatiently waited for the short line at the ticket window to move forward. He was like an overgrown child.

Mitch grabbed some money from his bag, fully intending to pay for his and Scott's tickets since this had been his idea anyways. Scott had suggested Zero Gravity Amusement Park, but Mitch was not about that.

They finally got up to the window and Mitch thrusted the money towards the young teenage girl in the booth before Scott could even think about taking out money.

"Mitch," Scott said, somewhat in a whiny voice. "Let me pay you."

"No way. This was my idea and my treat. I don't want to hear anymore about it." Mitch smiled up at Scott and grabbed his hand as they left the ticket booth. He immediately went to his right and they started their journey through the zoo.

"All I ask, is that we find a fennec fox."

"A fennec fox?"

"They're perfect." Scott said as he punctuated the 'fect' in the word.

Mitch let out a small laugh as he looked over and up to Scott whose eyes were scanning the whole park. His blue eyes were wide with a childlike wonder as he looked at the different arrows that pointed to different exhibits, and they almost seemed to sparkle in the sunlight. Mitch decided to let Scott lead them to where he wanted to go and he didn't need any prompting because as soon as Scott saw the arrow for sea lions, he began to pull Mitch in that direction.

Scott was super excited when he found out they would be walking under a tunnel and would be able to see the sea lions swimming all around them. Scott immediately went up to the window and looked all around to find a sea lion.

"Mitch," he reached out his hand for Mitch, beckoning him over to him. "Look, there's a sea lion!"

Mitch watched as the sea lion swam past them and then up and over the tunnel, Scott watching its every move excitedly.

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