Frozen Peas

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Scott leaned against his apartment door after shutting it and closed his eyes. The dull throb of his nose making itself known as he let his sore body relax against the door. He could feel a bit of pain on his abdomen too and decided to skip his shower tonight so the could curl up in bed and sleep.

Scott threw his bag onto the floor before tossing his keys onto the counter and walking into his bedroom. He quickly stripped of his clothes and got into his bed, plugging his phone in with the charger beside him.

did you win tonight? so sorry I couldn't be there to cheer u on x

it's okay <3 we won

yay! i knew you would ;)

how did rehearsal go?

it went well! Kirstie and i are really happy with where it's at and i think it's going to be a really good show :)

i'm so happy to hear that, i hope i'll be able to see the performance

it'll be recorded

but i wanna see ur twizzles in person :(

are you only with me for my flawless twizzles?

;) you found me out


jk jk i'm with u because ur nice and sweet and pretty, ur twizzles are a bonus

wow i'm just w/ u because ur hot

wow ok mitchy


come over tomorrow?

ofc, after rehearsal

i'll be done with practice at 4

okay, i'll come over around 5?

yes yes yes x

get some sleep, you have to be tired

you too, see you tomorrow

until then i'll miss u soooooo much

i'll miss u sooooo much too

night xo <3

Scott put his phone down and flipped over in bed, he gently touched his nose, wincing and pulling his finger away. He couldn't believe it wasn't broken because it sure as hell felt like it.

He had debated telling Mitch about it, but decided against it for now. He knew Mitch woud ask about it tomorrow, but he would just tell him it was a regular fight. He didn't want Mitch to know what it was about because he knew he would overthink it all.

Overthinking would lead to Mitch becoming upset and believing he was a distraction to Scott. A distraction, something his father had warned him about. And Scott had promised he wasn't a distraction, but twice now something involving Mitch had led him to become distracted. Of course, no one had to know what the fight was about besides his team. But nonetheless, he had become distracted and he hated how his father had been right.

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