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"Hey," Scott was greeted by a very tired looking Mitch opening the hotel door and letting him in, suitcase rolling behind him. "How was your flight?"

"Boring without you."

Mitch smiled weakly. "Are you staying here tonight?"

"Can I?"

"Yeah," Mitch nodded. "Of course."

Scott smiled and noticed Mitch was already dressed and ready for bed, granted it was just a long t-shirt with boxers. He glanced over at the bed and saw the sheets were pulled back and looked as if they'd been slept in.

"Mitchy, were you sleeping?"

"I only dozed off."

Scott frowned, wishing he had known because he wouldn't have came in and woke him up. "C'mon."

He reached out his hand towards Mitch and was met with Mitch's cold, thin fingers intertwining with his. He walked towards the bed and climbed on top of it, Mitch following behind him.

"I tried to stay awake and wait for you, but I got so tired."

"It's okay," Scott pulled Mitch up close to his chest and ran his fingers through Mitch's hair. He placed a small kiss on his forehead. "Go back to sleep."

"I want to talk to you."

"We have tomorrow."

"I like talking to you before bed though," Mitch whispered.

Scott hummed lightly in Mitch's ear, placing a small kiss below it. "We can talk all day tomorrow."

Mitch seemed to accept defeat as he cuddled back into Scott, wrapping his arm around his waist. "All day?"

"Before practice," Scott whispered as he scooted down the bed so his head would be on a pillow but trying not to jostle Mitch too much. "After practice, during dinner. All day."

"All day," Mitch quietly repeated, shutting his eyes and letting darkness surround him.


Scott blinked his eyes open and was met with the harshness of the sunlight glaring into the room. He must've forgotten to close the curtains the night before. It took him a moment to register the small body up against his, the head on his chest, and slender arm slung over his waist.

Scott smiled down at the raven haired boy who was still fast asleep. He looked over at the nightstand and saw that it was only nine in the morning. He had woken up quite early, especially considering Coach Bram had allowed them an extra two hours before practice than normal - they didn't have to meet until one today.

Absentmindedly, he had began to run his fingers through Mitch's hair. Scott sighed as he closed his eyes thinking perhaps he could get a couple more hours of sleep. However, Mitch had begun to stir awake, his arm tightening around Scott's waist before loosening, his breathing becoming a bit more uneven and suddenly breathing in deeply, eyes slowly opening against the same harsh light Scott had been fighting off just moments before.

Scott felt Mitch angle his head on his chest to look up at him, the two looked at each other for a minute or so without saying anything. Mitch sighed contently and placed his head back down on Scott's chest, running his fingers up and down Scott's shirt. He was going to miss Scott at night when they were going to be apart, he would no longer be there to talk to him before bed or to keep him warm in the night, like the heater he was.

Scott hadn't realized he had stopped brushing his fingers through Mitch's hair until he felt Mitch push against the palm of his hand, obviously wanting him to start back up again and so he did.

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