Chapter 17- Let's Destroy Things

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Chapter 17

Let's Destroy Things!

Disclaimer: I do not own Fairy Tail or its characters, only my own OC's and Ideas


"Alright! Who wants to brawl?!"

The front doors of the Guild Hall were thrown open to reveal Frea standing in the entrance, smirking as she cracked her knuckles. Her eyes immediately landed on the Member who would probably want to brawl with her.

Natsu jumped to his feet immediately, looking pumped up for the oncoming battle. "Hell yeah!" He grinned. He sprinted toward her, fist encased in fire. "I'm all fired up!"

Frea smirked more and readied herself for his attack, glad someone had immediately accepted her challenge.

She was in an extremely good mood, having just come back from a Job she had taken half a day ago, and finished it with sooooo much ease. She felt good, her wounds were healed, and even better;

She was back to full Power, and she loved it.

It had been about four days since she had spoken with Laxus, and she had healed considerably well in such a short amount of time. And, she had stopped having to sift through Aisha's memories, which was a plus. Even better, her visit with the Council had happened, and was over. It actually hadn't been as bad as she thought it would be...


"DoranBolt..." Frea murmured, coming to a pause in her walking, before turning around to see him approach her from behind. She had been taking a late-evening stroll through the forest, close to where the Guild's Hall had been for those seven years the Tenrou Team had been gone.

She had been aware of his presence the minute he teleported into the trees a ways behind her, and had just been waiting for him to actually talk to her this time, instead of keep his distance as he had been doing for the last few days.

He appeared between the trees, approaching her slowly and wearing his normal Council attire. He wore a neutral expression, and nodded his head to her a little.

"Frea.." He murmured, coming to a stop in front of her.

"You've come to ask about the Magic Anomalies, right?" She asked first, before he could say anything further.

"Yes." He murmured. "The Council wants to know exactly what you were doing, expending that amount of Magic Power without warning has concerned them." He paused. "Also... I would like for you to explain why you decided to keep your name a secret." His voice lowered, and Frea blinked.

That last request for an answer... That sounded a little personal to her, it was something he himself wanted to know, not the Council itself. She could even feel several different emotions flicker off of him in that instant, confusion, anger... And worry?

She nodded slowly, "Alright then, that doesn't surprise me." She murmured, and he just stared, waiting patiently for the answers.

He remained in silence as she explained what the two Magic Anomalies were, and why she had caused them. She expressed it on a few different occasions, again, that neither of them threatened anyone in Fiore, or Fiore itself. A little repetitive, but something she felt she needed to get across. She had had her own trouble with the council before, more than her fair share by most standards, and she really didn't need to be arrested, or even reprimanded for what she had done.

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