Chapter 40- Fairies and Tigers and Darkness Oh My!

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Chapter 40

Fairies and Tigers and Darkness Oh My!

Disclaimer: I do not own Fairy Tail or its characters, only my own OC's, Energy Magic, and Ideas


"Oh dear..." The man who proclaimed himself the Mayor of Hilshine murmured nervously as he stood before the assembled Mages of Fairy Tail and SaberTooth in uncertainty, the mass of his townspeople peering from behind him, having come out once the strange men were gone and dealt with- for now.

"It seems odd that the same Request would be sent to both Guilds." Frea told him, "Usually, each Job is only sent to one Guild in particular, to avoid two Guilds taking the same one." Everyone was assembled behind her nodded, while Moon sat on her shoulder and blinked around them.

The Mayor rubbed his hands together and sweatdropped, a man walked up behind the mayor, much taller than him- seeing as how the mayor was a very, very short, round man. "Oh dear.. Oh dear..." He mumbled, looking toward the taller suddenly. "Reginald, is it perhaps possible, that we may have accidentally sent the same Request to both SaberTooth and Fairy Tail?" He asked of the other who produced a heavy book from under his arm as he scanned through it quickly,

"How embarrassing..." Reginald mumbled after a moment, sweatdropping at what he was reading and looking toward the Mayor sheepishly. "It would seem a Request was indeed sent to both Guilds, sir..." The mayor turned to the Mages with a look of utmost apology.

"Then it would seem we are at fault for this mix-up, I am deeply sorry for any inconvenience." The mayor addressed them humbly, "As it seems both your Guilds put the effort and time forward to travel here and complete this Job, I will double the reward in compensation for such a mix-up. It should not have happened and I apologize."

Everyone's jaws dropped beside Frea, who simply blinked in shock at the words and looked the Mayor over a moment. To double the reward would make it 60 million Jewel, that was no small sum of money and it seemed a little... Over the top to double the reward like that.

Usually the pay of a job was based on how hard and dangerous what was asked of a Wizard was expected to be. Though in this instance it seemed the reward was being doubled to compensate for the mistake of sending the same Request to two different Guilds, it was still excessive in all rights.


"You really don't need to double the reward," Frea told the Mayor and the man shook his head.

"Its no problem, really. It was our mistake that the Request was sent to two different Guilds, and it wouldn't be right to make both SaberTooth and Fairy Tail split the original pay." The mayor returned and Frea blinked, "Besides, it is a real honor that Fiore's top two Guilds agreed to help us. It is the least we can do." It was no problem...? How much money did this town even have?

"If you're sure...?" Frea mumbled, the others stared in shocked silence.

60 Million Jewel!

The Mayor nodded, and Frea sighed a little. "... Lets just talk about it once the job is done, alright?" Frea suggested. 60 Million Jewel was too much, and though she didn't seem as shocked as everyone else, she wasn't entirely comfortable with making this town pay that much money, not even with the possible damages that may be done when it was over. The mayor blinked and sighed,

"As you wish... We will talk about pay when this over then." He relented and Frea nodded with a small smile. "I would like to explain something," the Mayor added in and Frea nodded. "The information given on the Request wasn't entirely accurate. I'm afraid the information we sent out may have down played how serious the situation is here." Frea quirked an eyebrow,

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