Chapter 12

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"Wait-No I think you're meant to take this bit apart first?"

"Larry, help!" Harper groaned.

Taking down one single tent had never been this hard. Ade had given up fifteen minutes ago leaving me and a frustrated Harper to do it.

"Oi lid! Forgetting about someone?" Van coughed as Larry walked over to our tent.

Larry sighed, his eyes flashing from our tent back to his half-taken-down one that Van was standing by.

"Right, El help Van out. It's practically already down just needs packed up."

Nodding I dropped the instructions and walked over to Van and Larry's tent. We worked quickly until the tent was fully dismantled and back in the boxes provided by Bondy.

The other lads had their tents down ages ago, they were jus' laying around and absorbing everything before we all went home, back into the boring routines of early mornings and hours of education.

The idea of school tomorrow wrecked my brain. I was already caught up in around a million thoughts and adding education to it was not helping. 

Van and I hadn't really discussed what happened last night. I could tell he wanted to and I did as well, but there was no time.

The guys were trying to sort out a band rehearsal later before their gig on Monday night. I was pretty buzzed about it as I had yet to hear them preform but I could already tell that they were class.

"Thanks love." Van smiled after I passed him up the tape so that he could seal the tent packaging shut.

"No problem."

I couldn't help but question what Van and I's relationship was now. Were we just really close friends or something more? I wanted to ask Van what his opinion was but he seemed pretty stressed about the gig tomorrow, guess I could just ask him after.

Blocking out my thoughts, I slumped down on a beanbag chair beside Benji.

"Do you think Miss Weathers will mind if I don't hand in my art tomorrow?" I sighed, staring up at the brightening sky.

"Nah she's class. Mind if I ask why though?"

Good question. "I honestly dunno, all my work lately is so crappy and I don't wanna hand it in."

Benji, Harper, Larry and Ade were all in my art class. Larry and Benji claimed to use it as a free period so that they could listen to music in a chill environment whilst Harper and I took it pretty seriously. Ade did too but she was much more relaxed about everything and it seemed to work out for her.

"Come on El, if I get good marks for stick figures she isn't gonna fail you for doing actual art." He chuckled.

He was sort of right, although I was a perfectionist and the idea of giving in something that wasn't my very best gave me a rash.

I sat in silence as everything got packed away.

Soon enough everyone was in the car park saying goodbye. Ade was getting the bus home and Harper was walking to her aunts so I felt a little stuck on what to do.

Fortunately Bob noticed and got me a lift in the lads van since it was already stopping where I live.

"Who's idea was it to pick the word 'word' last night?" Bondy chuckled from up front as the van took a sharp right.

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