Chapter 27

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I'm back with Simon. I'm happy. I don't feel broken anymore. He keeps apologising. I just tell him to shut up every time he does because now I know he didn't mean it.
Right now, I'm with Simon at Julie's babysitting Ben whilst Julie gets ready for the wedding in 2 days.
"Right he's asleep, so that's no fuss for a good 3 hours" I say as I quietly close the door of Ben's bedroom.
"3 hours? That gives us time to, you know" Simon says winking at me.
"No! Not with a baby in the next room and in my dad's house!" I say shouting but becoming quiet so I don't wake Ben up. I go to the kitchen to make some food. As I am making food I feel a pair of arms wrap around my waist. Simon's hands go under my shirt and he puts his head on my shoulder.
"You want food?" I ask Simon.
"No. I'm ok" He says. He starts to kiss my neck.
"Simon. Stop. I said no. Not today at least" I say trying to get out of his grip.
He turns me around and I wrap my arms around his neck.
"I'm just making up for lost time" He says and starts kissing my neck again.
My phone starts to ring and it's my mom. I answer the call.
"Hey mom" I say.
"Hey. Wanna come over? Have a little bit of girly time?" She says happily.
"Oh I can't I'm looking after Ben for Julie. Can't leave him by myself can I?" I say. Simon kisses my sweet spot making me moan but I instantly stop. I feel him smirk against my skin.
"Are you ok?" My mother asks.
"Yeah. I Er, hit my toe off the sofa" I say making up a crap excuse.
"Oh ok. Well bye" My mom says sadly.
"Bye" I say and hang up. I feel so guilty again. I haven't spent any time with her recently and I feel so bad because she doesn't have anyone else.
I sigh and walk to the sofa and put on the TV.
"What's wrong?" Simon says sitting down next to me.
"I feel bad for cancelling on my mom. Again. I haven't done anything with her and I've been to busy with Julie" I say now focusing on Friends on TV.
I get a text off Tiggy.
Tiggy-going to record a video with Tobi. See ya later. Love you girl😘
Anna-alright.have fun. Love you too😘

We continue watching Friends and eventually Ben wakes up.
I go to get Ben and put him in his cot thing where his toys are.

Julie comes home meaning me and Simon can go too.
When we get home I go straight upstairs. Looking after a baby is hard work if you didn't know.
I change into my night clothes and get into bed.
I keep thinking about my mom. I really feel like she will do something reckless and I might lose her. The thought of losing my mom is so bad that I would probably die too. My mom is my other half.
"Hey. Why are you crying?" Simon says sitting next to me and pulling me in for a hug.
"I feel like my going to lose my mom. Like she will get in a other car crash and she's going to be gone forever and it's going to be all my fault" I say with more tears falling down my face.
"Don't think like that. Your mom is going to be fine. I promise" He says.

I go to sleep with my mom on my mind. And also hoping Simon was right......

this chapter is a bit meh. Sorry for all the time skips I really want to get to the best bit which is the next chapter. No spoilers sorry😊

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