4. Tour?

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Dear Diary,
Yesterday I went to the park to get some food. Immediately I saw Leon and a girl talking and I got really jealous. I know it's wrong but I started to spy on them. I hid behind the food cart and listened in on what they were saying. I found out the girls' name was Lara and he was Leon's ex girlfriend. Then Leon and Lara kissed. I ran and ran until I got to my house. I couldn't believe what I saw so I started crying. I locked my door and plopped down on my bed. I Crying so hard and so loud that my Fede, dad and Angie were trying to get in. They gave up and went to eat dinner. I'm still in my room now and I got to admit I'm a little hungry. I will not let Leon make me so sad that I can't go to the studio.

I walked into the studio and Leon winked at me. Ok I'm going to play this off. I am going to ask him where he was yesterday and if he tells the truth I will forgive him. If he doesn't I won't. I walk up to him nervously and start talking.

"Hey Leon! I was at your house yesterday but you weren't there. Where were you?" I say and make sure I said it confidently.

"Oh...yea....I was uhhhh" Leon says and I interrupted him.

"I'm sorry I'm jealous you were probably doing something because you were busy. I get it." I say. *geez I'm a really good actress*

*should I tell her? I shouldn't lie but I could tell her later in a more private place. But I don't want to lie. But I have to do I can keep her! I've made my decision. I won't tell her."

"I was just at the park." I say.

"Alone?" She says innocently.

"Yea. I was alone." I say and she frowns.

"You liar! I saw you with that girl Lara! She wanted to get back with you and then you guys KISSED!" She yelled so everyone can hear. Oh no. I've really screwed up this time. She ran out and Diego ran after her. I decided to leave her alone because she needs time to forgive me.


"It's ok Violetta. I'm here for you! I've always been here for you and it will stay like that!" He hugs me and I feel nothing. Leon's hugs always helped me. Not Diego's. "Do you want to go out with me? Like in a date?" He says hopefully. I think and I want to get back at Leon so I will say yes.

"Yea! I would love to!" I say with a fake smile. This is the perfect plan. What if I hurt Diego!

"Great! How about lunch today at break?" He says smiling widely.

"Sound good!" I say still fake smiling, kiss him on the cheek and walk to class.

After class we walked to the park where we find a cute picnic table underneath of a tree. We sit down and Diego pulls some subway sandwiches out of his backpack. We start eating in silence. The whole date we were quiet. We walked back to the studio to go to Gregorio's class. Wow that was SO boring! Leon walks up to Diego with anger and punches him in the stomach.

"Ouch!" Diego yelled.

"That's for stealing my girl" Leon says angrily.

*punches him in the stomach again.

"That's for kissing her." He says and I give him the evil eye.

"We never kissed you jerk!" I scream at him and help Diego who is now on the floor in pain.

I slap Leon across the face and then Gregorio walked in. He didn't even greet us. He just walked in, got his tennis ball and hit the music player. We all danced and Gregorio was very impressed. Just kidding! *I GOT YOU THERE DIDN'T I! lol* Gregorio was very unimpressed. He just scolded us for doing good. But luckily Pablo was watching us from the door and he scolds Gregorio for his mean comments.

"I have amazing news kids! Grab a seat and listen in!" Antonio's cousin's best friend owns stadium's all over the world and he has given us the opportunity to go on tour! U-Mix will sponsor them too so all of your fans can get the alerts in their phones!" Pablo finishes and we all clap and hug each other. I can't contain my excitement and J hug Diego, who was currently standing next to me. He was taken by surprise but then he hugged me back. I see Leon in the corner of my eyes clenching his fists together and I shake my head 'no' to him and he simply nods his head back.

Pablo tells us our roles for the tour

En mi mundo- Violetta
Voy pie ti- Leon
Podemos-Leon and Violetta
Ser Mejor-Everyone.
Tu futo de verano- Leon's band (in media *my fav😊*
Algo suena en mi- Vilu, Cami, Fran
Juntos Somos Mas- Ludmila
Tienes el talento-Everyone
On beat!-Everyone starring Vilu.

Everyone was very happy with their roles and the songs.

"One more thing! We leave tomorrow!" He says and he leaves. How am I supposed to convince my father in one day!

All Around The World--A Leonetta Fanfic // amanda {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now