11. Recovery

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*I just want to say that instead of having 15 parts I will have 20 because I don't want it to end yet😂*

All of a sudden Ludmila.....

All of a sudden Ludmila breaks into tears. WHAT!

"I'm sorry Ludmila! I didn't mean it!" Maxi said apologetically and she shakes him off. She runs away and Tomas runs after her.

I walk with Leon and we go get food. I see Ludmila and Tomas walking and he seams to have cheered her up. We walk up to them.

"Ludmila what Maxi said was wrong. We DO need you. More than you know! If you weren't here, who would replace me? Only you can because you know all my parts. You work harder than anyone here! We can all see that! So don't listen to him, or anyone actually. We love you Ludmila!" All of a sudden she breaks into tears and hugs me.

"No! Don't cry! I'm sorry!" I said and frowned.

"No! These are happy tears!"

"Oh good because I don't want you to cry."


I get ready for bed like brush my teeth, put on my pjs, and I texted Leon goodnight. He didn't text back. I went to his room. Wasn't there. Where is he? I finally received a text but a strange one.

You want your Leon back? Well try to find him first -Unanimous

I screamed in the hallway and everyone opened their doors. Fran came out and invited me into her room. I showed her the text and she freaked out too.

"You should text that person back and ask where he is" Fran said.

"Good idea." I said hesitantly and texted them the following:

Where is he


How am I supposed to find him then?

I'll tell you soon enough. But here is one thing. You tell the police, your Leon dies.

I screamed and so did Fran. So we went to Pablo. Pablo started dialing the digits but we hit the phone out of his hand before he pressed "call"

"He said if we can the police Leon dies." I said and he is shocked.

"How about we ask the police to track the phone location so that we can track them down." Said Fran.

"Great idea but we are still asking the Police for help." Pablo added and I nodded.

"How about we go instead of the police. We can have them tag along close behind us so if he pulls a move we can protect ourselves." I said.

"Ok let's go!" Fran shouted and we sat her back down.

"We aren't going anywhere! It's late and you need some sleep." Pablo said and Fran and I frowned.

"Ok but we leave 1st thing in the morning." I said and he nodded in agreement.

"It's settled. 'Operation SaveLeon' is a go!" Fran said and somehow I managed to let out a small giggle.

All Around The World--A Leonetta Fanfic // amanda {COMPLETED}Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin