9. Together Again

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*So there will be 15 parts in this book if you were wondering.*

I get off the plane and weirdly my father is standing there. What is he doing here?

"Dad?" I ask and he turns to look at me. He looks curious too.

"Vilu? What are you doing here?" he asks.

"I should be wondering the same thing." I add and walk more towards him.

"I'm picking someone up." He says. I wonder who.

"Who?" I ask.


"WHAT! No way! You can't! Are you two back together again! Because I don't approve!" I yell drawing attention.

"Listen Vilu, we will talk about this when we get home. See! Jade's walking over here! Please be nice."

"Ok. Only for you."

"Thank y.."Just as he says that he gets interrupted by the one and only Jade LaFontane. *idk how to spell it*

"German! My love!" She screams and leaps to hug him.

"Ok. I'll be waiting in the car. Wait! Is Romallo driving?" I ask hopefully.



Once I greet Romallo and we catch up I ask him if once he drops off Jade and my dad if he can take me to Leon's house. I really need to see him. So we drop them off and he drives me over. Once I get there there are no cars in the parking spaces so I imagine they aren't home. I get out of the car and Romallo drives off. Great! My phone is gone AND I have no car. I decide to knock on the door anyway and nobody opens. I try think of where Leon might be. Hmmmm....

Maybe getting a juice? I think and start walking.

I get there and Luca, (Frans brother) greets me. I ask if he has seen Leon and he hasn't.

Then I look in he Studio which is only a few minutes away from the juice bar. I get there and no sign of him.

Then it comes to me. I know where Leon is!

I go to the destination where I already know Leon will be and I see him sobbing. He doesn't realize I'm there so I just stand behind him. All of a sudden he starts playing a song on his guitar and its "Podemos", our favorite song to sing together. I walk up and start singing with him. He sees me but doesn't stop singing. I wipe away his tears and we finish he song. I hug him and he hugs back. My shirt becomes wet like all the times I cry on his shoulder so I guess this is revenge.

"Vilu why are you here?" He asks but not rudely. More like in a curious but hopeful tone.

"I wanted to see you and I didn't want to be stuck singing with Tomas and, well you k is what.

"Thank you Vilu. I love you"

"I love you too."

CAN ANYONE GUESS WHAT "THE DESTINATION" IS IN THIS PART? IF YOU CAN, COMMENT ON THIS PART AND WHOEVER GETS IT RIGHT WILL GET A SHOUTOUT! *think, where do Vilu and Leon always go? (Their place) If you are a true Violetta fan you will know this!

All Around The World--A Leonetta Fanfic // amanda {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now