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As we slowly walked in the to the living room, me and my brother was talking of what we are going to do tomorrow. But as we turned the corner, amazed as I was, shaw an amazing Classic living room (the picture above). All the me we we doing there own thing. Chen, Chanyeol  and Baekhyun was talking each other on the floor. Sehun,
Kai and Suho was on there phones while Lay and Kyung-soo was in the kitchen.
We just stood there amazed for what the members were doing, we suddenly burst into laughter. All the member, except the ones in the kitchen,suddenly turned there heads to us. Suddenly I was tackled to the floor by one member,  I looked up and it was the adorable Sehun.
I just laughed as I was being picked up by Sehun who I returned the hug. all the member , who were in the living room, took turns to hug me. The other two members walked to see what the chaos was.  Once they saw me they had a sudden shock to there faces.
"Omg Allie, you changed so much look at you" lay replied looking at me up and down.
"Thank u lay, you look amazing your self" i said smiling. I turned to Kyung-soo with a smile that reaches ear to ear with my arms open for him. He walked into my arms, I had a wave over the butterfly's for some reason. He pulled from the hug and gave me a big smile,

"Well, Allie let me show to your room" my brother chuckled then he suddenly flipped me over his shoulder.
I just burst into laughter while trying to grab other members to help me. They just laughed and went back to doing that they were doing. I had a shock face and was thinking how wonderful life can get .

Thank u so much for reading this chapter. U can send request for what you want in the next chapter.
Luv u all Emily xx

My brothers a member! (Exo KYUNGSOO fan fic) Where stories live. Discover now