Why do you do this?

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(A.N - includes self harm).

I can't do this anymore, I want to tell people but I would feel like a burden then telling them. I know they are going to worry, I just know it but someone will find out. I look at the last piece of hate I'll ever see again.
"All hate Allie":
Why don't you just cut yourself, no one cares about you.
That just brought more tears to my eyes.
I slowly sat up and walked over to my school bag then brought out my sharpener. I remove the blade from it and start to make more cuts on my left arm.i kept in doing this until I was all light headed, but I got up to get bandages and cover my cuts to stop the bleeding.
I sat back down and moved to my right arm. Looking down to my arm I place the blade on it for a few more times. I started to get more light headed but then went away straight after. I just sat there and cried my heart out. Luckily most member are busy today, so it just me, kyung-soo and lay at home, they left earlier.
I lay there just trying to get breath to even. I started to close my eyes, hoping the boys will read my letter I left there next to me saying what was happening. When my eyes were closing, the door burst opened to kyung-soo coming in. I quickly try and hide the things.
"Hey Allie have you seen .... WHAT THE HELL!" he looked at me with the blade and the note. He quickly relised what was happening and got the blade tossed it across the room, grabbing some bandages then wrapping it around my arms. I just look down with a sad look across my face.
My body was lifted bridal style, tears falling down my face. Kyung-soo just rocked my in his arms both of us had tears falling down are faces. 
After a while we both calmed down but Kyung-soo kept me in his arms rocking back then forward and giving my head a few kisses. I shifter my head looking up at his face but still got my head still on his shoulder.
"Why?" He asked me, giving me more kisses on the heads.
I nodded and started to explain to him what keeps on happening.
This is the time when she is talking about what is happening.
After I was explaining, we both had tears coming out again.
"I'm sorry" I kept repeating giving him a huge hug then wiping his tear while he did the same.
"I want to help you" he said in a serious ton. I nodded then teansed.
"I don't know how I'm going to tell my brother". I said looking in his eyes.
"Well tell him tomorrow" he replied, I nodded. Kyung-soo lay us both on my bed since we was both in pjs. He placed a blanket on both of us snuggled on into each other. With my head on his chest, a arm around him and his head laying on my head and doing the same thing with his arm except around my waist. We both slowly started to fall into a deep sleep, happy that we have each other next to each other.

Thank you for reading this chapter. Sorry it includes self harm. I love you all Emily X

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