Where am i.

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I start to wake up with a massive headache. Opening my eyes I see a dark room. Slowly getting up I reach for the side Of the bed. Flicking the light on o see a nice fashionable room. Looking around the room the door opens slightly. Turning around u see the person who did this. The person who I wanted to see until it got to far. I see Kim Nang-see, my ex boyfriend and now stalker. He has clean clothes and food in his hands.
Walking towards me, giving me a kiss in the forehead and walks out the room locking the door. Sighing, I get up and change into grey leggings, grey vest top with grey socks. It's weird how grey is my favourite colour.quickly getting changed I lye backdown thinking Hoe am I going to get out.

Xiumins PoV
Me and kyung-soo went to the others  and they are angry. We called the police over. They collected the paper for finger prints, got security cameras for fortage and some how got the fingers prints of the paper really easy.
I just sit in the sofa next to kyung-soo almost in tears cause someone we love is gone. Everyone is think of a plan to get her back and soon.
Just that letter saying she has a stalker makes me mad. Maybe she didn't know it was him? Or maybe she didn't relise he was stalking her.
Once I find him, I will kill him. If he hurts her, I'll hurt him twice as hard.
I have three friends that would help, and I know they would come for Allie.

Hi guys, sorry I didn't write for a while. I've been busy with school and my other account. Who are these three people? Will they help get her back?

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