Can't Have a Party Without Drama, Can You?

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I didn't think that there would be a video for what I needed but I was wrong!!!!!! ⬆⬆⬆⬆⬆⬆⬆⬆⬆⬆


"I told the kids that the party was a go. I did say that I would check with you though, I hope you don't mind." I said with a sweet smile.

"I guess. I'm getting to old for this party stuff." He said with a smirk and shrug.

"Your only like 22. Other people our age party alot and get wasted every weekend. You're only kinda old." I joked and hip bumped him lightly.

"Old? You're so gonna get it." Jayce growled playfully and I took the hint and ran off. I bolted outside laughing lie a maniac as pack members turned and looked at me like I was insane.

"Alpha, we'll protect you! Hurry, up here!" A group of kids around the age of 4-5 called me up.

"Hey Billy!" I said excitedly to the little boy that once made me go down the slide even though my but was way to big and didn't even fit.

The group of children waved me up quickly and I climbed up the ladder right before Jayce reached the place set.

"You have to go through us to get Alpha Jax." One of the kids stated proudly.

"The tickle monster is gonna get you." He threatened childishly.

Two of the kids scattered while giggling and I chuckled.

"We're not afraid of the tickle monster!" Billy shouted with a small giggle.

Jayce slowly started walking towards the ladder before the two kids that ran off, suddenly ran up and grabbed his legs so he couldn't walk.

We were both laughing and I took my phone out to take a picture. I opened snapchat, that Taylor recently told me to download, and quickly took a picture before posting it on my story.

I had to take another when the rest of the kids all climbed down and doggy piled him to the point where he fell onto his butt. It of course went to my story.

The parents were all watching with amused expressions.

"Just for you guys protecting me, I think I will put out extra candy at the party." I told them all as I climbed down.

"Really? That's awesome, thank you Alpha Jax!" A few of the kids yelled, peeling off of Jayce and came to hug me.

We played with them for a little longer before one of the teens, Michael, from the group that wanted the party asked if they could talk to us .

"I'll be back." I said in my best terminator voice to the giggling children before walking into the house with Michael and Jayce.

"We could just meet in here if that's alright with you Alpha. I know a few of my friends may come to join us and we don't want to cramp your office." Michael suggested as he motioned towards the living room.

"Sounds good to me." Jayce agreed and we all took a seat.

"So we thought that this Friday would be a good day. We were thinking that it could possibly start around 6 to give the little ones time to have fun before they go to be. Is that alright?" Michael asked, almost fearing the rejection.

"That's a great idea, I might be a little late to the start but other than that it's a good plan." Jayce replied and I gave him a curious look which he kinda shrugged off and gave me that 'I'll tell you later' kind of look.

"I want you to be aware that some of the older wolves are planning on bringing alcohol. Is there any way to efficiently monitor underage drinking? I know a couple parents said it's okay for their child to have one drink but no more. I really don't want my friends getting completely wasted." Michael informed us.

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