Chapter 13: Friend Or Foe

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It had been two weeks since their first date, and to say the least, Leon's attitude had changed. Well, not entirely, he still showed his protective barrier to the outside world- including his parents- except for Shay. Around the raven-haired teen, he felt more welcomed than in his own home by his parents- when they were there and not out on some "business".

It was a quiet Saturday afternoon, the boys simply laying around in Leon's room, the teen himself lazily sprawled out on his bed while Shay slumped further into the computer chair at the desk, his eyes dark as he silently thought to himself. Tired of the silence, Leon abruptly sat up, looking over to Shay with a determined look. "If you are going to say something, say it already." He sighed, his focus drawn intently. At first, the other teen didn't respond and was still dazed out in his own thoughts. But he quickly responded when Leon got up and began to loom over the already shorter boy. "I just have to ask.." He mumbled, messing with the hem of his long sleeve shirt, "What does our date... Make us?" His eyes had lifted to meet the crimson pair already looking down at him, now full of surprise. Neither of them had really considered what this made them and hadn't really put much thought into labeling it. With confidence, Leon smiled softly, something he was still getting used to doing, and gently kneeled down to Shay's level. "It doesn't matter. For now, we are whatever we want to be." It was true. They only had the one date, and even though something ached inside Leon's chest to scream to the world his true feelings for the new human in town, he withheld it. It was a strange feeling for him, having found someone to stir this new feeling, this new emotion he never experienced before, now making his dead heart beat lively once more.

But the peace came crashing down when reality struck. Leon pulled away from Shay, who immediately felt the loss of his cooling essence and pouted slightly, his eyes looking on with concern, "Hey, whats wrong? Was it something I said?" The boy asked, his voice soft and timid rather than his usual tone. Leon shook his head, taking a seat at the edge of his mattress, his weight making the bed sink. "No, it's not you. It's... Me." He answered vaguely, making Shay look on with even more confusion as his head tilted slightly to the left. "It's who I am. My kind..." he trailed off, briefly shutting his eyes as his thoughts raced through his head. Shay understood now. A while before, Leon had to explain the society of vampires and their rules, for if they were to be together, he needed to know about his kind... He also explained the Elders or a council formed of the wise original vampires who first colonized Los Angeles for the vampires. And within many of the rules, the relationship of a vampire and human is forbidden, not only at the risk of exposing an entire network of societies across the globe, but due to the very nature in what separates the two races; blood drinking. It is proclaimed that a relationship between a vampire and human is impossible due to their insatiable thirst for blood, the human would be seen as food, not a lover. 

Shay joined Leon by his side, his fingers restlessly tapping against his black jeans, ancy to touch and collide with Leon's, but Shay held back his urge. It was only recently they became open and so close. He didn't want to risk scaring him off. The both of them sat in the deafening silence, the only sounds to be heard was Shay's rhythmic heartbeat and his shallow breathing, booming like thunder and lightning in Leon's ears. He could feel his skin burn like flames at the near exposure of Shay's body heat.

Perking up instinctively, Shay stood abruptly, taking Leon's hand in his own and pulling the larger teen up to his feet. "Shay wha-"He began to ask, only to be cut off by the passion and force of which Shay pushed his lips to meet Leon's. Instantly, the boy reacted, looping his arms around the smaller teen's waist and pulling his warm body against his own, feeling his skin burn with the intensity of the sun as they kissed. They were enveloped by their passion, as Leon glided his tongue across Shay's lower lip, asking for entrance, which was gladly granted. Their tongues battled for dominance, in which Leon easily won. Passionately, he brought his hands off to the locks of black hair, entangling his digits within the soft strands, making Shay release a slight moan. Leon grinned against his lips, forcefully separating each other as they both breathed heavily. "You worry too much... "Shay added, smiling cheekily at the taller male in the success of distracting the teen. Shaking his head, the taller teen couldn't help but smile down at Shay.  

Love Bites. (Boyxboy)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora