Chapter 2: Different Species Different Sexual Prefrence.

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         With a breath, he let the door glide open, and a unfamiliar face greeted him.  Along with a new scent of sweet warm crimson.

        On the other side of the door stood a teenager, shaggy black hair, thin pale frame and sparkling blue eyes. And when I mean sparkling, I mean a clear glass of water from the freshest and cleanest oasis in the hot and dry dessert of yellow sands. His hair was darker then dark, meaning pitch black like silky smooth raven's feathers. His pale skin was covered mostly with a long sleeve shirt with black and gray stripes on it. It was obviously too big on him since the end of the shirt dangled near the middle of his thigh. Adding to his apparel was skinny jeans as dark as his hair followed by bright red Vans.  The teen beamed a wide toothy grin, speaking in a somewhat high voice.

        "Hi!" The boy cheered, bouncier than the average teen. Especially on a monday morning at 6:45 in the morning. Leon first stared at him in a slight state of confusion, wondering two things.

First, Who the hell was he?

And Secondly, What the hell did he want?

        Shaking his head, he finally spoke up in his deep husky voice,

        "What do you want?" He stated, seeming already tired of the conversation. The boy continued to smile, replying at once.

"Im Shay Makosan, I just moved in a couple days ago, " Which explains the loud noise at one in the morning, " and thought I'd meet the neighboring teen and his...par-"

        "They're not here. They've been gone for a while. Won't be back for another three months. " Leon inserted before he could even let the word slip from his mouth. Shay went quiet for a moment, his smile faltering, but, five seconds later, he was beaming once more, hyper as ever.

        "So, What is-"

        "Name is Leon Grace." He interrupted, leaning on the door frame. This kid was definitely odd. Different from the rest. Shay nodded, even more happy knowing how to address the taller teen.

        A deep honk blared from behind him, as the yellow bus pulled up to the curb, doors opening as the already irritated driver took his news paper and began searching the articles. It was Phil, the bus driver, and man, did that guy hate his job. Every morning was the same with him. He'd park, wait for a few minutes to scan the local news, then drive off, not paying a lick of attention to the kids in his vehicle. Leon sighed, grabbing his bag from the underneath the table and heading out the door, where the perky teenager still stood, his bag in hand.  This was to be a very long day.

        Climbing upon the ugly yellow beaten up bus, looks flashed to the isle. Not directed to the white haired teen, but mainly directed to the newcomer, Shay. With a sigh, Leon plopped into the seat in the far back, pulling out his Ipod and plugging in his headphones. It was sweet bliss as metal and the sorts poured into his ears at full blast. That is, until the seat sunk in slightly next to him.

        Hell. No.

        He could tell it was perky Shay again, just by the warmth emitted from his body. All eyes snapped forward when he sat down beside Leon. Everyone knew to advert their gaze with Leon. He wasn't afraid to knock someone's fangs out. A small smirk spread on his lips. They feared him.

        It was a short ride to the old brick building, surprising it still held strong. Everyone stepped off, lastly, as always, was Leon who was tailed by Shay. He looked up at the building with tired eyes. "See ya later, Leon~" The hyper active teen giggled, pecking the cold flesh cheek of Leon before wandering off into the building.

What. The. Hell.

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