Chapter 16: Takes One To Protect One

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Days began to melt into weeks, Leon was finally allowed to return to his own home. His own bed, and more importantly, the welcoming silence of the empty house.

But the time had done no improvements, it only further deteriorated the teen. Dark circles had begun to collect underneath his once lively eyes. Instead of the beautiful red, they were filled with a hazy fog. His muscular frame had suffered, becoming slightly thinner and weaker than it was before.

Guess that means Time doesn't heal wounds; it inflicts them.

The duo stepped off the rusty yellow bus, Snow again clinging like a helpless child to Leon's arm. At this point, he stopped caring about her over-attachment, and just allowed her to dangle off his body like a sloth from a tree branch. She gazed up at the house, squinting slightly. Leon noted her look, returning with a confused gaze.

"It looks so different in the day time. Less empty, you could say."She explained, continuing to drag Leon up the path to the door. Leon shrugged, but offered nothing more than that.

It was strange, he should be happy he can be back home. But every step closer just dropped his heart lower and lower, finally landing at his feet upon reaching the small concrete door step. Snow began to fish into her bag, looking for a small set of keys. She had to forcefully remove them from the male, to assure that he wouldn't disappear without her following right beside him.

Sighing contently, she pulled out a long black lanyard, at the end was the familiar set of keys. She slid the metal into the lock, hearing it click and pushing it open. Quickly turning, Her once playful smirk fell into a deep frown, a low snarl rumbling from her vocal cords. Leon's brows furrowed, turning to see what was causing such a reaction when he was roughly grabbed.

Forcefully, their lips crashed together, Snow wrapping her arms around his neck and pulling him down to her level. His eyes widened as he tried to fight back, trying to push her off. But his body froze when he heard a gasp followed by a soft thud. He didn't even need to look to know what was truly happening.

Growling, he mustered the strength and forcefully shoved her off of him, His crimson eyes turning a shade deeper. He quickly looked over to see a truly heartbreaking scene. The boy had frozen like a deer in headlight, his blue eyes filled with tears as his bottom lip quivered. Leon felt his heart truly shatter at the sight, wanting nothing more to run over and clutch him hard against his chest and whisper sweet nothings in his ear.

But his feet refused to move as Shay broke down fully, dashing into his home and slamming the door shut. Leon just stared, hoping it would open again to see his face, yet it didn't happen as he wanted. Instead, silence fell, as his attention turned to the frowning woman with her arms crossed defiantly. Leon growled deeply, those crimson orbs slowly turning darker with each passing moment.

"What the hell was that?!" He snapped, lunging to the woman and pressing her small body against the wall, her feet dangling a couple inches from the ground. In return, all he got was a silent glare, Lips forming a tight line. Leon pulled her back and slammed her against the wall again, snarling deeply. "Answer me, Damn It!" He demanded, feeling something dark stir deeply inside.

"I only do whats necessary. "She responded , giving Leon a true death stare. He only growled again, finally ripping away his tight grip on her shoulders and turning his back to her. He took long deep breaths, trying to control this inner beast, ready to tear out the raven-haired woman's throat out.

Snow sighed, shaking her head as she grabbed him by the back of his shirt began to drag him into the house, his flailing and struggles useless against her iron grip. "It's no use fighting me, I can easily kill you if I wanted to." She hissed, and His struggles subdued slightly as she continued to drag him inside, slamming the door shut and finally releasing her vice grip on him.

The night soon came, casting pale light through his open bedroom window, the cool breeze passing over his bare chest as he sat at the mahogany desk, staring blankly into its surface. His chest felt sore as if someone had reached in and forcefully ripped out the dead organ. There was a soft knock upon the open door, and Snow stood there silently, observing him, almost perplexed.

Quietly, she entered the room, taking a seat on the end of his bed. She wore simple pjs, a silky soft tank top and a short pair of shorts, exposing the metal limb completely and where it connected to her flesh. Her eyes seemed to be searching for something within his own crimson ones, and frowned slightly when she didn't find what she desired.

"You should get some sleep," She murmured, her eyes never leaving his face. He paused his deep thoughts, before shaking his head. Snow sighed. "You can't destroy yourself over this. "She warned, and gasped when the male truly looked into her purple irises.

"Why not?" He growled lowly, abruptly standing as he ran a hand through his white locks. "Ever since you came along and delivered your damn message, I feel destroyed. Nothing else matters to me as much as he did. And what did you do? You fucking tortured him with your little stunt back there!" He yelled, panting heavily as he glared down to her.

The woman averted her eyes, holding her head low."Im only trying to protect you." She mumbled, toying with the hem of her tank top. Leon sighed heavily, beginning to pace the floor. Finally, he spoke again, but his voice was no longer full of anger, but slight aggravation and curiosity. "Then please elaborate why the one person in this damned world I care for is trying to kill me." He demanded, stopping his pacing as he stared down at her, awaiting an answer to his question.

Snow was silent, before finally meeting his gaze. "Because I know what you are going through." She spoke, her voice soft, very much unlike her personality. Leon paused briefly, his hard expression melting into sympathy. "What?" He barely breathed, his eyes searching hers for something unknown.

Snow let out a soft breath, averting her gaze from his. "I bet you're wondering what the story is with this."she chuckled half-heartedly, tapping against the metal limb. Leon gave a nod to her, his eyes now examining the master craftsmanship of the leg substitute. It was truly a work of art, the metal gleaming as the light reflected off, any wires hidden beneath the shallow housing and it almost looked natural. Snow gave a small sad smile, following his eyes to the limb. "There was this girl." She started, never lifting her gaze as she took a deep breath.

"She was...simply breathtaking." She elaborated, her smile twitching slightly as she continued to recall the memory. "It was way back when I was in high school. "She chuckled, finally lifting her eyes to him, only being met with confusion written on his features. "Hush, questions later. "She silenced him, seeing he wanted to ask something but he complied with a simple nod.

"I remember it so vividly. She asked me on our first date. That's how I found that little coffee shop." She added, continuing on, "It was what you call, love at first sight. And it almost physically hurt to be away from her. Just as you feel with Shay." She paused, taking her inner wrist to wipe away a stray tear that managed to escape.

But her smile dropped into sadness, as she squeezed her eyes shut. "And then, I began experiencing these...nightmares. She would stand over me, plunging a knife into my body, shooting me with a gun, or simply choking me until..."She shivered at the implication.
Looking up, Her eyes were clouded with sadness, which shortly cleared as her gaze hardened. "I had to kill her. They forced me to. And now, I'm here to prevent the cycle."

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