Chapter 18: Please Wake Up

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The darkness. It was so peaceful, its welcoming embrace shrouding him in warmth. He could feel it seep below his skin and into his bones, relaxing every part of his body. But the pain came straight back, feeling the blood seep through his clothes and beginning to pool under his tall frame.

Meanwhile, in the land of the living...

Snow applied her digits to the wound, hissing at the burning sensation across her hands. "Fuck." She cursed, seeing the crimson stained slightly with a silvery tint continue to gush between her fingers from the open wound. Quickly standing, she grabbed her tank top, ripping it straight down the middle and tying it tightly around the wound in an attempt to slow the bleeding. 

With a heavy grunt, Snow lifted the taller teen's almost lifeless body, and ran. Her feet carried her faster than she could believe, softly padding the earth with each lunging step. Just beyond, she could see the trees breaking down to the empty streets of nighttime LA, which wasn't unusual. Only Downtown did you see numerous drunks and couples stagger hopelessly down the streets, soliciting for prostitutes or tearing each-others clothes off in the nearest alley way. 

With each heavy breath, she pushed herself forward, finally coming to the asphalt and cement of the street. She glanced around quickly, and having no better place to go, she retraced their steps. The faint breathing of the large teen rang loudly like church bells in her ears, only making her push herself harder, her feet barely touching the ground now as she ran.

Slower than she anticipated, the familiar home came into view. Racing up the path, Snow paused briefly, before using the rest of her strength- and her metal limb, of course-  to knock in the front door, causing a loud crash as it nearly flew off it's hinges and causing a large dent near the lock. But momentarily, she could care less. 

Quickly, she dumped Leon onto the black couch centered in the living room, hearing a subconscious groan, which made her sigh slightly in relief. But this battle wasn't nearly over.  

Using her razor-sharp fangs, she tore into her wrist, and latched it to the teen's mouth, groaning when his fangs instinctively dug into her the open wound and sucked on the blood escaping it. It was her job to protect him with her life, and she be damned if she failed. 

Hours later, The teen laid unresponsively on his actual bed, his breath shallow and labored as his forehead was covered in a layer of sweat. Snow anxiously paced beside the bed, chewing on her bottom lip in concern. A doctor of the supernatural, one she had known for a good couple years now, sat calmly besides the teen, his eyes focused intently on the now closed gash on the pale abdomen of his patient.  With a sigh, he pulled away, and returned his gaze to the hybrid woman. 

Although he was indeed a trained doctor- for many years now- , his appearance matched that of a young adult. His emerald green eyes peered through a pair of thin framed glasses, sitting half way down the bridge of his nose. His hair was black and swept back from his face, neatly cut to keep from his line of sight.  His build was simple yet strong, towering over both Snow and Leon at 6'5". Even at the age of 64, he looked much younger than most people, and even Principal Brant. 

"His wounds were extensive, but nothing I haven't seen before. "His voice was full of authority, yet calming to the ears. Snow continued to pace, nodding as she listened, "It was a true professional by the looks. Used a curved blade to inflict the most damage, and it was silver." Snow paused her nervous pacing, giving her full attention to him. "Is he.." She trailed off, her eyes looking to Leon's pale frame with concern. 

With a sigh, the doctor nodded. "Silver Poisoning, common type of killer with assassins. This one decided to go the extra mile, dipping it's blade in liquid silver as well, causing it to seep much more rapidly into his bloodstream.  It's now up to him to pull through it. "He added, standing from the chair besides the bed and sickly looking male. 

Snow merely nodded slowly, her eyes never leaving Leon. "Thank you, doctor." She replied, her voice hushed as if she didn't want to disturb the patient. With a curt nod, he made his way out of the room. With the click of the lock, She knew he had let himself out. 

With careful steps, she took the chair besides the bed, sitting down as sh ran her hands through her messy black hair in frustration. Her head bowed in shame, her fingers entangled with the cold skin of Leon's. 

"I'm so sorry...Please.. wake up."She begged, and only silence answered her plea. 

~Shay's P.O.V.~

 The days had seemed to melt together, the shaggy haired teen once more dragging himself from his bed. This time he had to put forth an effort to go to school, otherwise he'd fail and have to repeat the senior year. 

With a deep sigh, he haphazardly threw on randomly discarded clothes, all which happened to be black, and slid his feet into his low rise Vans.  Shay forcefully opened the door, peeking his head out the crack, in where he was met with pure silence.He was grateful that his parents had left early this morning, which saved Shay from their concerned looks and questions. 

With a sigh, he slipped into the dark hallway, slowly making his way down the stairs and out the front door, his bag lazily thrown over his left shoulder. He easily recognized the yellow school bus squeaking its way to a stop, the doors opening with a groan.  He easily maneuvered down the aisle, taking a seat in the back as he leaned his forehead against the window. And with that, the bus jerked with a start, continuing it's way to the hellish school. 

It was momentary bliss, the rough motions of the bus seemed to soothe him and the muffled words of students nullified his thoughts for the time being.  But his mind wandered to the place he wished not to go, despite his efforts. He could feel the pain building chest again, just at the mere thought of the rare smile he used to see. The husky laughter ringing in his ears, and shimmering light of happiness flickering in his crimson eyes. 

Shay shook his head, but the thoughts persisted nonetheless. And his heart throbbed in loss.

Finally, the bus squealed to a stop in front of the brick building, the students shuffling off the bus in order, Shay the last one to leave. His fellow classmates looked at him with sympathy at his disheveled appearance, but he could care less at their gazes. 

He dragged himself into the building, and coming to his locker, he leaned his head against the cool metal. He finally felt some peace in the noisy halls. Until cold hands grabbed him forcefully, clasping onto his mouth and eyes as he was helplessly dragged away.  

Harshly, he was thrown against the wall, finally being released from the iron grip on him as his eyes snapped open in fear. His eyes scanned the room , instantly knowing where he was; the boys bathroom. Shay tried turn around, but was forcefully shoved against the wall again, feeling a tall body against his back.  The same cool skin held his arms painfully tight, holding him in place.

"I'll let you go if you behave." A deep voice growled into his ear, the breath of them causing him to shiver. Quickly, he nodded, and felt the grip on his flesh disappear. "Wh-what do you want?"He stuttered, straining to see his captor. The boy was tall and well defined, looking to be around 6'3". He wore a simple plaid button down, followed by a pair of black jeans and skateboard shoes. But his eyes were the real attention grabber. Among his chiseled facial features and brown hair partially blocking them, two peering brown eyes stared into his own blue orbs. 

The boy smiled widely, chuckling as he reached forward, pushing the black strands  from Shay's eyes. In return, the shaggy haired teen flinched, pressing himself against the wall in order to escape the invading hand. "Isn't obvious?"The boy asked, the same wide grin on his pale lips. He leaned close to Shay's ear, whispering softly with a slight growl. "I want you." He answered, playfully nipping at his lobe.

Shay felt a shiver run deeply beneath his skin as he turned his head away, only to have his face firmly gripped as two lips crashed against his own.

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