Chapter 10: Unexpected Story Time

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»»Still Leon's POV.««


He..he came ...for me..

He worried...about me...

Was this real...?

"Leon!"A voice, high but still manly, shrieked with worry, fear and something else...


I cringed suddenly, hissing in burning pain. A soft, mumbled "Sorry" came from the small figure that sat beside me. Shay.

He did care.

I felt a small flutter from my dead heart. He makes me happy...

But he couldn't stop the darkness consuming me. Inch by inch until everything was dark.


This pain.

Well it was...

Memory after memory replayed like a movie. And I was the only person watching. Watching from the happiest moments with beautiful Ryan and those dates we went on when we were 13 years old. But it also replayed horrid nightmares...of the beatings...of the endless torment from Ryan. But I couldn't look away. No matter how...horrid the memories came and how painful it was, my gaze couldn't leave the screen as they continued for what felt like an eternity.

»»Shay's POV.««

Its been hours, when is he supposed to wake up?!

I finished cleaning and wrapping his bloody arms nearly two hours ago. But at least he's breathing...he's alive...that's all that matters.

Im a sick son of a bitch.

I hurt...No I broke...the most broken ...creature....person..I broke him...Beyond repair.

I opened him up, and hurt him.

Fuck...I really fucked up....and Im sorry...

My gaze travelled from the wooden floor beneath me, still stained with a small pool of crimson, up the stained sheets to the poor...beautiful...hurt person I sat beside. His white hair messy, yet perfectly fitting for him. His muscular graceful and fluid his movements...when he walks...talks..and that look...The look of despair hidden deep in beautiful crimson orbs. He is beautiful...And I love it.

Gently, I pick up his cold hand, tracing small patterns over his palm, leaving small tender kisses along his bandaged wrist. He wont remember this moment of utter peace...But I will. I promise.

With a sigh, I plant a soft kiss on his hand again, tracing the curves of his fingers, the somewhat visible veins running like ribbon under his skin.

Maybe I should Leave...

Maybe He doesn't want me...


"S-shay..." A soft slur of groans forms my name as I freeze in place. The cold hand I caressed gently twitched and moved, so gracefully, as the fingers gripped my own slightly tanned hand and curled around with them. I felt a blush begin to manifest on my cheeks, but it doesn't unfreeze me. Instead, the small movement, a gentle squeeze, jolts me back to reality. 

Carefully, I look over to the body next to me, that was laying still a few seconds ago, that now was managing on sitting up and biting his tongue due to the pain in his arms.

And only one thought enters my mind.

That he is absolutely adorable.

But once again, a soft, deep and manly as hell voice brings me back. The voice I love so much. His voice.

I turn my head back to him, my eyes meeting his crimson orbs as he looks at me, seriousness in his eyes as it slowly melts, and he looks away.

But something catches my eyes as he moves.

Something small. A small, single tear, running down his perfect face.


"Leon..I...I-" I stumble, unable to even speak about how sorry I am to him. His beautiful eyes finally meet mine again, and I loose it. I let it out. Tear, after tear, after tear. They cascade down my face like two waterfalls. 


Until a cold hand gently cups my wet cheek and brushes away the droplets of salty water with the pad of his thumb. And When I open my eyes, I see two orbs of crimson full of worry, sadness, and...and caring.

And then...he his velvety soft yet deep voice.

"Don't blame yourself...I...I wanted to....wanted to open up....and...say someone...its ...its been so long...and...I...I bottled it ...all up.....I..I want to tell you past..."He whispered, gently taking my hands. And when Our fingers curled together, they fit together so well. Like perfect puzzle pieces.

And the truth unrolled.

"Ever parents...never were around.  I never...had any friends. I alone all the time. I wasn't like this. I was friendly...openly smiling...hell, I used to make flower crowns and wear them everywhere. My mom...she thought it was cute. But she never found out how my dad reacted. How society reacted when a seven year old male was wearing purple flower crowns and drawing ...males. No..He didn't accept it...and he would take me out at midnight...and let the neighborhood kids...beat me up until I was bloody. And Mom was oblivious...The school didnt care. As long as they got paid, they didn't care about anyone. one but the age ten...I had my first love...His name was Ryan...and he was eleven. Everyone had a crush on him. Short curly brown hair and sparkly blue eyes. With the cutest dimples..."Leon recalled, shaking his head a bit and smiling. "And When I told him...He liked me too...and it was...amazing. Until we...had an issue. I was fourteen. I know...a long relationship for a bunch of kids, but that didn't matter to us....until, Ryan and I were at the park, when a bunch of kids messed with us...and that was ...when Ryan...hurt me... He started hurting me everyday. It got worse. Until...on my birthday...he killed himself. All because of my dad...the school...his fucking friends.."And his voice trailed off slightly, his eyes glazed with tears. "I learned...that if you cant stand up to someone...your nothing. Worthless. And I just...crawled deeper into the darkness...and shielded myself from getting hurt again...but...Then I met you...and you were so kind...I didn't know what to think... You opened me up...and .I....I...feel...Better...I Im...falling..for you..."He admitted, looking back up at me.

And I was speechless.

This boy...has been through so much...

And I hurt him.

"Leon..."I whispered. "I...Im so sorry...No one...No one should have to endure that..."I managed, wrapping my arms tightly around him, nuzzling deeply into his cool neck.

"Im so sorry....for hurting you..."

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