Chapter 8: All Alone.

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It hurts...


Upon his pale cheek, held a small but red hand print. Shay's hand print. The pain felt like his flesh was being stung over and over with each beat of his heart. Dazed, only muffled words of his attacker were heard, but the dazed teen couldn't even put together simple words. When he did catch up with his mind, all he heard was the front door slam. Shay's warmness was gone. And all that was left was the radiating pain in his cheek. He was....Alone....

~A Couple Days Later....~

He was dead. Gone. Never coming back. His heart was shattered and shattered again, left in a pile of shards. He didn't move, or speak. His health dipped lower into pits of depression. No one could tell the difference. He still went to school, but he lingered at his locker, sometimes sitting on the floor just the get a moment to himself, or just not having the energy to move for a few minutes. He stopped talking. His voice missing from the small talk from the teacher asking a question.

They gave up on fixing him. And soon enough,.he gave up too.

He didn't leave his room. He didn't eat, nothing.

But For Shay...

Shay wasn't as cheerful. He smiled, talked to a small group of bookworms and goths known as his friends, acted like normal Shay would. But the special sparkle in his eyes was gone. He was guilty for pushing away the tall kid. He seemed so lonely. So broken....


But not anymore.

Today...Today Leon will come back...

Shay was determined.

»«»«Shay's POV.»«»«

Today. Today was the day. No going back...I have to do this...

With a heavy squeak and a small jolt, the rusted yellow bus stopped, the weathered doors groaning as they opened. I let out a deep breath I didn't know I was holding. Carefully maneuvering down the isle, I hopped off the bus, and gazed up to the house before me. The dark curtains parted slightly, showing a sliver of a person. Pale skin, and what looked like....something crimson...

What have I caused....?

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