Chapter 2

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     I finally wake up and feel Harry gently pushing my hair behind my ears.
I choke and on my tears, and Harry rubs my back.
"Shh Gin everything's going to be okay."
"But how could anything possibly be okay? We are going to be thrown in an arena to fight to death!"
"Your going to be okay.I promise!"

**5 hours later**

     After a long nap, Me and Harry went to talk to Luna, Ron ,Hermione , Neville, Fred, and George. We all agreed that we should help train each other. We knew that we wouldn't all survive so we decided to help each other.
First we decided to make a list of ways to stay safe.
•In tree
•Grow fake bushes and hollow out the middle
•use polyjuice potion and turn into Voldemort , Bellatrix etc.
    Then we decide to make a list of spells that could help us.
•Alarte ascendare(shoots target in the air)
    We continue to do this for hours until we can not bare the thought of fighting each other.
     Me and Harry took a long walk to a pond that is about an hour from the burrow.The pond was blooming with flowers and was bordered with willow trees.An old bench sits on the side of the lake and Harry and I sit down . We hold hands and watch the sun set over the water. Once the sun has set, fireflies start dancing around, and Harry waves his wand causing music to play.He grabbed by hand and yanked me to my feet .We danced, and danced.
     Then , I realized, This might be our last few days together. We may never see each other again.I tear streamed down my face, and Harry wiped it with his thumb.
     "Hey Gin, do you trust me?" As he said this his eyes filling with tears,and I nodded."I'm going to protect you no mater what. You are going to make it out of that arena!"
     "That's what I'm worried about" I muttered, and fell to my knees.

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