Last chapter :(

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This is the last chapter ):
I'm posting 2 new books.
One called the boy and the bear
And one called sugar vs spice

While walking, I was only supported by Neville's shoulder.  Looking over Neville's shoulder , I see a group of people, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, Tonks,Luna's family, Hermione's family, and my family. I start to feel light headed, thinking of all of the lives that have been ruined. Forcing my legs to move, I run as fast as I can,but I hear 3 pairs of footsteps following me. I run until my knees buckle, and I fall to my knees. I watch Neville jog up to my side, he pushes a price of hair behind my ear. I start to get sick, and another pair of hands, pull my hair up. When I am feeling better, I whip my head around and see George standing behind me. I jump up, and wrap my arms around his neck.

"I thought," I stopped, still too upset to say dead.

"Well, if you would stop choking him, he could explain." Fred voice said from the other side of me. I practically jumped towards him, and wrap my arms around him. We all apparated home, accept for Hermione's family, who wanted to be alone.

"Death-eaters aren't very good, at detecting forcefield candies," is all George says when we get home. I laugh, and sit down next to Sirius and Tonks. We all sit down in silence, not knowing what to say.

"It's not your fault you know?" Tonks said quietly. I nod, silent tears dripping down my cheeks.

"Hey cheer up!" Sirius said spring to his feet, even though tears stained his face. He lifted me up and threw me over his shoulder, like he did when I was in my 3rd year.

" I'm not a baby!" I squeaked. He ran out the door, and threw my into the pond. Tears filled my eyes, but I fought them back and swam to the surface. Neville sat knowingly on the shore, remembering how Harry had proposed to me there. He pulled me out of the water, and I jogged to the bench. I pulled out a small flower, that floated and was enchanted to play music. I tossed it in the air, and pushed Neville in the pond before I jumped in.

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