Part 5: You have feelings hyung?

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Yoongi P.O.V

I was legit in pain, my torso and throat felt like they were burning off, my eyes were watering and I felt dizzy...




I JUST COULD NOT STOP LAUGHING. I know im a little shit for doing this but, Jimin is just so gullible, I mean Kookie is too but idgaf about him. It's not that I have feelings for Jimin rather, he is soo easy to prank. Jin-hyung keeps warning me to be careful that Jimin can get hurt easily, as if.

I look toward the other members who were looking at me concerned.

"Hyung, are you....okay?" the 4D alien asks.

"OH HOW PERFECTLY FINE I AM!1!" I reply still high from my prank.

I shush everyone and listen carefully. I can hear Jungkook and Jimin creeping toward the room.

"positions everyone", I whisper eager to see what will happen.

"Hyung, can you open the door?" I hear Jimin's voice tremble.

"Oh shoot, was he crying?" I say concerned for the kid.

I run for the door but remember what we are doing, should I ditch it or continue?

I jump back on the bed, "Taehyung go open it.", I whimper sounding depressed all over. He looked at me hesitant but the opened it.

Jimin P.O.V

I run in as soon as the door opens. I can feel the color drain from me as I see Yoongi, "What's wrong with you Yoongi? Why are you acting like this?" I ask, desperate for answers.

"Can you guys get out, I want to talk with....Jimin alone." the blonde says.

As the hyungs leave, Yoongi motions me to come over.

"What do you want to know?"

"Why did you look so hurt, it's not like Kookie and I are a thing, you know I don't like him." I confess.

"I guess I just felt betrayed, you were angry and I came to apologize, which is rare hehe, but... you were well, it looked wrong." he says, melting my heart.

WAiT wHaT?

Yoongi continues, " I guess I was a little upset too that you bashed at me too, and everyone was on my back complaining how I was rude..."

I was honestly taken aback, did Yoongi actually feel this way.

"That's also why I pretend I don't care about things a lot, if I do, I always get an...unexpected surprise." he whispers. I look over to him seeing him about to cry. I blink a few times, I can't believe this is how he actually feels, Yoongi is actually a genuine person?

"I didn't know you felt pressured by us." I finally got out.

"There's a lot I keep to myself."

"Well, I promise to always be there for you." I say before thinking.


"Well, I promise to always be there for you." the orange haired boy says. I look at him at lighting speed and see that he couldn't believe he just said that. I am taken aback, that's a really big promise. I silently laugh, Jimin is so unbelievable.

"That's a big promise y'know" I say voicing my thoughts.

He just nods his head and gives me a side hug.

"Im really sorry Yoongi, I should've thought about your feelings and not have been so selfish." he whispers almost inaudibly.

Is Jimin falling for me? Already... well this is interesting....

"Jimin, lets go get groceries somewhere, then lets come back and watch a movie" I suggest forming a plan.

He nods using his hair to cover the light blush on his cheeks. "Let me go put my shoes on first." he says getting up. As soon as he leaves, Jin-hyung comes in.

"This is wrong Yoongi, I know you well enough to know you were being a liar just now. Why are you trying to hurt Jimin?" He asks shaking his head.

"HURT HIM! AS IF. I'm just playing a gameeee, don't ruin my game hyung." I say in my cutest voice.

"Know your limits boy, remember I love my children including Jiminie, so if you hurt him your dead." he says sassily before turning around to yell at Namjoon for... breaking the spatula.

"I would never hurt Jimin, BESIDES it's just a game" I say to myself before getting up to get shoes.


^^ Im laughing so hard, the above part was 696 words.




recommended song: Blind by 4minute (legit one of my favorite songs in the world)

oh ya.... here's a little gift for you guys

hehehe the story behind this was so funny

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hehehe the story behind this was so funny.

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