Chapter 3: Gaming is fun...sometimes

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Cry's POV

I made eggs and bacon for breakfast. I plated it and handed it to Felix, "Thanks Cry."  he said picking up his fork and started to eat his eggs. I also put my food on a plate and sat next to him, "You know we have to record a video today, right?" I said finishing my food. "Oh yeah, are we recording with Ken and Mark?" he asked, getting up and putting his plate in the sink.

I'm starting to notice that he remembers everything and everybody else but me and our relationship. I nodded and got up to put my plate into the sink as well, I showed Felix his set-up and he logged into skype. I went to my bedroom and logged into skype as well, we skyped each other first and then we added Ken and Mark. "Hello friends." I said "Hey guys!" Ken and Mark said in unison, "What are we gonna play?" Felix asked.

"We could play prop hunt." Mark suggested, "Okay." the rest of us agreed. We all joined the game, "Could you and Pewds not flirt as much this time." Mark laughed, my breath hitched. "Why would we flirt? We're just friends." Felix said confused on why they'd think we'd flirt, "Just friends?" Ken questioned, "Uh, let's just play the game. Mark, Ken, I'll talk to you guys after." I sweat dropped.
We finished playing the game and it was 1:00 in the morning, "Well I think I'm gonna go to bed." Felix yawned, "Goodnight Pewdie." we all said in unison. He left the skype call. "So what where you gonna tell us Cry?" Mark asked, "Well Felix has...Amnesia." I started "He doesn't remember being in a relationship with me, or me in general.". "So when you told us not to flirt as much, it was awkward for him." I finished feeling a tear roll down my cheek, but they couldn't tell because the tear was hidden under my mask.

"Sorry for bringing it up Cry." Ken apologized, "Don't worry about it." I said logging off of skype and going to bed.

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