Chapter 17: Hospital

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Pewd's POV

I was just sleeping until I heard an ear piercing scream come from the front door of the house. I shot up and ran toward the front door to see Cry holding his stomach, thriving in pain.

I rushed and kneeled down beside his fetal body, "Cry what happened!" I yelled as I removed his hand to see a red puddle of blood on his shirt.

I quickly pressed my hand on the spot to keep pressure on it, "Marzia she-" he didn't get to finish, he blacked out.

I started to panic as I fumbled to get my phone out of my pocket and dial 911, I held the phone up to my ear still holding onto Cry's wound.

"Hello?" a calm soothing voice said, "Yes hi! I need an ambulance at ___ right now!" I yelled applying more pressure on the wound.

"Alright sir, stay calm. We're on the way." she said hanging up the phone, I pushed my phone back into my pocket forcefully.

I held Cry's head up and one of my tears fell on his mask, I just hope he survives.

A couple of minutes past and I hear the blaring sound of sirens, I looked up and unlocked the door.

The paramedic's burst through the door with a gurney and picked up Cry, placing him on the gurney.

"Are you riding in the back of the ambulance?" a man asked me, I nodded my head.

After Cry was placed into the ambulance I hopped in and sat on the bench that was built into the ambulance.

"Now sir, can you tell me what happened?" one of the paramedic's asked, "I don't know the full story." I said.

"Well could you tell us what you know?" I sighed and bowed my head, "I was sleeping until I heard a ear piercing scream coming from Ryan, so I rushed to him and called 911." I said.

The paramedic nodded, "Well you're friend here should be at the hospital shortly." she said placing her hand on my shoulder to console me.

I looked up at her and she looked at me with sympathetic eyes, I looked at Ryan and then bowed my head.

I hope he'll be okay...

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