Chapter 7: Mask

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Cry's POV

When Pewdie left it was the worst day of my life, my whole world was snatched right before my eyes. The house got quieter and colder, I was lonely. Every time that we recorded I had to wear a mask to hide my feelings, not my ceramic one that I wear to hide my identity.

I ran my boney fingers through my dark brown(?) hair. I sighed and placed my hand on my forehead, he's gone forever. I felt a single tear slide down my face, I remembered the memories that we made together and I forced myself to smile. I remember when we went on our first date, he took me to this restaurant. I remember being shy but outgoing, Felix was smooth and made almost all the moves on me.

Especially when he touched my hand, I looked into his warm, blue eyes. And his smile lit up the whole entire room, I remember when we announced our relationship publicly and all we got where supporters. I mean some where haters and didn't support it, called us fags and everything.

All of these memories will remind me of him, he's slipping out of my grasp in real life. I wiped away my tears and remembered a song,

You are my sunshine,
My only sunshine.
You make me happy,
When skies are grey.
You'll never know dear,
How much I love you.
Please don't take my sunshine away...

A tear rolled down my cheek,

My sunshine was taken away.

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