Chapter 23: The first day home

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Cry's POV

It felt good being out of the hospital, knowing all the crazy shit that had went on the past couple of days, hell who knows, maybe weeks and Pewdie was still by my side.

I took a deep breath before I walked out of the hospital, it was hot as shit outside.

I wanted to rush back into the air conditioned hospital, but I knew Pewdie would laugh at my childish ways.

I looked around for Pewdie's car, once I found it I got his attention and pointed to his car.

He smiled and we walked to his car, when I got in I put in the AC making sure it was on full blast.

When Pewd's got in he gave me a wired look and then looked at the AC noticing how it was on full blast, he looked up at me. "What? It's hot as fuck outside." I explained, he just chuckled shaking his head.

Pewd's turned on the radio and we started singing/dancing to Twenty one Pilots.

Once I arrived home I opened the door and put the air conditioner on, I sat in front of it for a few minutes than face planted on the couch.

It was much more comfortable than the hospital bed, I took a deep breath and smiled.

I felt the couch sink in, I slowly turned my head to see Pewd's lying there beside me.

I gave him a warm smile and kissed him lightly on the lips, we pulled away and I looked at him for a few moments.

He put his hands on my cheeks and pulled me in for another kiss, he made it rough and he wrapped his arms around my neck to deepen it even more.

I have out a quite moan letting him know that I enjoyed it (I can't). He started to lift up my shirt feeling around, I felt kinda light headed.

I pulled away and he frowned, I gave him a smile saying 'sorry'. "I can't continue, as much as I enjoyed that I feel quite light headed." I explained.

Pewd's nodded, "Let's get you to bed then, you might feel better after a nap." he said standing up and offering his hand out.

I took hold of his hand and he pulled me up, I stumbled forward a bit and I felt dizzy.

"I feel quite di-" I didn't finish my sentence.

I blacked out

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