Chapter 6: Memories

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Pewdie's POV
-1 Month later-
I keep having these, let's say, strange Memories or Dreams about Cry. Us kissing going on dates and uh...let's not go into detail. Could I possibly be falling for Cry? Is this why I keep having these weird Memory Dream thingy's about him...No! I'm not gay! I've never been gay, Marzia is already my girlfriend and after a month I moved in with her. "Felix? What are you thinking about?" Marzia asked placing the popcorn down on the table as we where gonna watch a movie.

"Uh, nothing. Don't worry about it." I said kissing her, she looked at me with raised eyebrows but then looked at the t.v. We decided to watch titanic, Marzia has watched this before but I haven't. We got to the part where the boat sank and Jack and Rose where in the water, "THERE'S ENOUGH ROOM ON THE DOOR!" I wailed wiping my tears. Damn I'm a wuss, Marzia looked at me and sighed.

"My god Pewds! You're such a wuss!" she laughed as she lightly pushed me. I wiped a tear that traveled down to my chin, "I-I am n-not!" I stuttered. "Awww." she cooed as she hugged me, I mean we're boyfriend and girlfriend and all that jazz but this is embarrassing.
-the next day-
I'm glad that Cry and I can make videos together without it being awkward, we're playing Bloody Trapland. "CRY NUUUUU!" I yelled as Cry fell off of the platform and plummeted to his death. He was laughing is ass off, I smiled.

I'm glad we're friends

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